This sort of art just blows me away!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!) there are days when a blank sheet of paper in front of me can be a tad daunting, I mean where do I start? But the sculptures this woman creates from a stack of twisted driftwood is just mind-blowing. Where would you start, and with what bit?

Enjoy the visual treat of her stuff at the link below. Just seemed too good not to share it.

Might be a good little project to have a go at whilst in the woods next time you're there. Shouldn't take more than 20mins tops. :lmao:


Full Member
Sep 27, 2005
Oxfordshire and Pyrenees-Orientales, France
They are clever, and well worth viewing, but I'd like to see the technique developed beyond horses. For me, the work of Andy Goldsworthy epitomises the woods and wild places and is endelessly inventive. Richard Long, similarly reworks the landscape and makes one look again at what seems familiar.

Found object sculpture has a long and honourable tradition and must strike a chord with those of us who love the natural, outdoor world.

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Absolutely love it.....can't find any prices though.....I could never afford one but was curious.

Stunning stuff though


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
They are clever, and well worth viewing, but I'd like to see the technique developed beyond horses. For me, the work of Andy Goldsworthy epitomises the woods and wild places and is endelessly inventive. Richard Long, similarly reworks the landscape and makes one look again at what seems familiar.

Found object sculpture has a long and honourable tradition and must strike a chord with those of us who love the natural, outdoor world.

I just googled Andy Goldsworthy. Got blown away for a second time in as many hours. Thanks!!! I've got to get to work now but I will be looking at his stuff again much later. AMAZING!

Here's just some of his stuff for those whose google fu is weak.

The video's petty good too

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Rod Paradise

Full Member
Oct 16, 2008
Upper Nithsdale, Dumfriesshire
I just googled Andy Goldsworthy. Got blown away for a second time in as many hours. Thanks!!! I've got to get to work now but I will be looking at his stuff again much later. AMAZING!

Here's just some of his stuff for those whose google fu is weak.

The video's petty good too


I live not far from Andy Goldsworthy, and we're fortunate enough to have some of his eggs & arches in the area, I've also been lucky enough to find some of his leaf sculptures once when I was out walking, shame it was before Id heard of him. I was impressed anyway though, in a ***? kind of way....

It wasn't as finished as this, I like to think it was an idea in the germination stages:


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
On my much break now. I googled Richard Long (is that name for real??) I wasn't as impressed with his stuff as Andy Goldsworthy's work.

Just wondering it this is Andy's idea of a perfect computer set up? LOL


Hey Rod Paradise, I bet that was indeed a WFT moment! It is pretty. I think I may well have a go at doing something like that in the woods over here on one of my wanderings. Ought to raise a few eyebrows with some of the provincial French. Not so much a *** moment as a Sacre Bleu!!! :lmao:

Bilmo, thanks for the Gibbs Farm link. Browsing it right now. Very nice work!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 15, 2010
NE Scotland
That thing with the screens looks like what I used to get up to at uni - it's a bugger to do it with flat screen thought ...


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 5, 2010
west yorkshire
Another sculptor who floats my boat is Anthony Caro.

In 1984 my then girlfriend took me to an exhibition at Wainwright Hall in Lister Park, Badford. This was on display there, and I was smitten...



Sep 1, 2012
I just googled Andy Goldsworthy. Got blown away for a second time in as many hours. Thanks!!! I've got to get to work now but I will be looking at his stuff again much later. AMAZING!

Here's just some of his stuff for those whose google fu is weak.

The video's petty good too

andy lives in the next village to me sorry to say he's not the most popular person in the world


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
andy lives in the next village to me sorry to say he's not the most popular person in the world

Artists are a highly strung bunch anyway, known for their mood swings, temper tantrums and generally awkward behavior.... wait a sec' :yikes: I'm and artist.

D'oh! Me and my big mouf.

Seriously though, it's a sad fact of life, and I'm not that surprised to hear it. He may be a knob but his art is good though. Wish I could say the same about Tracey Emin, she fails on both counts.


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