I am looking for a digital thermometer to record overnight temperatures (through this winter), I want it to be small/light, power-efficient (hopefully running on a watch-battery etc). I need it to be able to remember minimum & maximum temps.
Any recommendations? I'm not looking to spend a large amount of money on an item like this, so please don't suggest £80+ solutions!
Why? As I imagine we all do; I am interested in testing various combinations of kit & different sleep-systems through the winter and in order to judge each one I need to be able to compare the lowest temperatures that I've slept in each sleep-system. Thanks for your time,
Any recommendations? I'm not looking to spend a large amount of money on an item like this, so please don't suggest £80+ solutions!
Why? As I imagine we all do; I am interested in testing various combinations of kit & different sleep-systems through the winter and in order to judge each one I need to be able to compare the lowest temperatures that I've slept in each sleep-system. Thanks for your time,