The world accelerates into the distance....

Jul 3, 2013
United Kingdom
Is this just me or is it a general thing? Emails in the middle of nowhere. Video games without instructions on which button to press, that youngsters can use without thinking about it but which utterly defeat me when asked to be the Nice Uncle and join in. The other day I read about a bloke who used to be a woman, marrying a woman who used to be a bloke. Nothing against them, but, what?

Am I the only one who has to keep stopping himself saying 'what the *....?' on a regular basis. Cars you can't change the bulbs on without the computer code. Stuff like that.

Sometimes I just want to wander off into the wild and never come back. I think that's the way to go, at some point just give up and let them all go off and do what they want to.
Nov 29, 2004
Is this just me or is it a general thing? Emails in the middle of nowhere. Video games without instructions on which button to press, that youngsters can use without thinking about it but which utterly defeat me when asked to be the Nice Uncle and join in. The other day I read about a bloke who used to be a woman, marrying a woman who used to be a bloke. Nothing against them, but, what?

Am I the only one who has to keep stopping himself saying 'what the *....?' on a regular basis. Cars you can't change the bulbs on without the computer code. Stuff like that.

Sometimes I just want to wander off into the wild and never come back. I think that's the way to go, at some point just give up and let them all go off and do what they want to.

TEOTWAWKI - Happening every second of the day. :)

For me apart from those things listed above its seeing grown men who clearly spend too much time on their hair, beard and eyebrow grooming (that means anytime at all other than scraping a bic across your face when needed). and who dress in those ridiculous baggy sports shorts and wear reversed base ball caps, they look like giant toddlers, which is in sense what they are. :)
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Dec 3, 2005
I am with you on going off into the woods and I'm no techno phobe either. Things are getting run by machines more and more every day, scarery!
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British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Is this just me or is it a general thing? Emails in the middle of nowhere. Video games without instructions on which button to press, that youngsters can use without thinking about it but which utterly defeat me when asked to be the Nice Uncle and join in..

Bread and circuses


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
Bread and circuses is precisely what it all is...........if I shake my head much more at some of this stuff it'll come undone; Trouble is, there's no middle of nowhere accessible to many people. Small planet huge population.

Best you can do is sort out your own little corner and run your ship in the best way you can, and hope it'll all mean something in the scheme of things.....................atb mac


Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
TEOTWAWKI - Happening every second of the day. :)

For me apart from those things listed above its seeing grown men who clearly spend too much time on their hair, beard and eyebrow grooming (that means anytime at all other than scraping a bic across your face when needed). and who dress in those ridiculous baggy sports shorts and wear reversed base ball caps, they look like giant toddlers, which is in sense what they are. :)

Stop the world, I want to get off. :rolleyes:


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 18, 2011
Ah mousey, but not everybody is happy to become so wrapped up in, or dependent on, technology. If it was to all vanish tomorrow, the only thing that I would miss is the internet. All that free information about anything you could possible wish to know, readily available in your front room... Magic! Everything else is pretty pointless IMHO and I could happily live without it.


Woodsman & Beekeeper
Aug 19, 2013
I like this thread and I'm with you all. I'm fifteen and I don't have my own mobile phone I borrow my dads old one for trips etc. I agree about the Internet as I use my ipad to find inspiration for bushcraftuk type projects ( latest one was birch tar - went well :) ) and to read on bushcraft to improve my knowledge on the subject, hence why I joined the forum.


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
Its just change, nowt wrong with it really, I love the changes in technology for instance. Last week camping my phone tethered to my Android tablet and I was surfing the net by the light of a Coleman lamp, listening to music from a little MP3 player, had food cooked on a 60 year old paraffin stove and I was heated by a woodburner...all good stuff.


Jul 23, 2007
Central Scotland
Don't think much of it is compulsory. Go with the flow or watch it go by, doesn't really matter tbh. There have been ridiculous things in every decade, some people think they are 'cool' (is that a word these days?) some don't. I enjoy the change but only participate in stuff I fancy.

Relax, enjoy the ride! :cool:


Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
Ah mousey, but not everybody is happy to become so wrapped up in, or dependent on, technology. If it was to all vanish tomorrow, the only thing that I would miss is the internet. All that free information about anything you could possible wish to know, readily available in your front room... Magic! Everything else is pretty pointless IMHO and I could happily live without it.

I remember that before the internet, free information came from libraries, research and encyclopedias. And they wonder why kids don't read.


May 27, 2011
You see, I didn't even know about onesies for adults. This is why Chuck Palahniuk's 'Fight Club' should be required reading for all school age children.


Is there an app for that?

One of our comrades on here was handed an iphone from work when he arrived in London. 2 years on his battery went dead and he suddenly realised he did not know where anything is in London. He had been totally sucked in by google maps navigation. On realising this he stopped outsourcing his navigation his phone.

I remember that before the internet, free information came from libraries, research and encyclopedias. And they wonder why kids don't read.

Kids read plenty, it's just that it is social netowrk/new gossip, that out comrade's story shows is that kids would be knackered for research skills as these are getting fully outsourced to search engines. A fine addition, but not replacement.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.