The Wood Transformed

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (29th July - 10th August) available until April 6th, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.


Life Member
Jan 18, 2009
Mid Wales
I was in the wood on Sunday and there were just a few bluebells out (the wood is on a north facing slope so a little behind warmer woods). I was down there again today setting small mammal traps for a survey and this is what I found!

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I also found a much rarer wild white bluebell (this wood is a long way from any gardens and only contains the true British Bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scriptus))

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And I stumbled upon this little fella; a Red Velvet Mite - I believe it's Trombidium holosericeum. It's about 5mm long and totally harmless :)

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Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
There's a wood above Pooley Bridge that's got loads of those red mites on the trees as you head up to the iron age fort on the top of the hill. I'm used to the tiny red mites I used to see in summer on walls and paintwork of my house as a kid. This one puts a lot larger than I thought mites like that get to. Obviously different species, different sizes but I thought most mites were smaller.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.