The Rolls Razor


Jul 23, 2009
Plymouth, Devon
For those of you that don't like going back to nature when out in the boonies and feel the need to shave, may I suggest one looks at the old Rolls Razor. The Rolls Razor is a self contained razor and sharpening mechanism consisting of a stone, a strop and the razor that collapses down into a box a mere three inch by five inch and an inch thick. The housing is a delightful and ingenious mechanism, which is very hard wearing and simple.

I used to collect the things something which started when I was unemployed and could no longer afford those lousy Mach 3 blades, I have had most types, the Imperial No.1 through to three, mixed and matched to create the best of each and now use the later Viscount travel set, which is an aluminium set kept in a leather case along with a spare blade.

I learned how to repair them and restore them, and have passed my efforts out amongst my friends and family. I use them, on a daily basis, that is when I can be bothered to shave, and intersperse the Rolls use, with that of a cut throat, (which incidently the Rolls showed me how to use), and a hand action powered Rolls Viceroy scissor action buzz razor.

Yes, antiques, but a much better option than ecologically and financially unsound throwing away of expensive plastic and steel razor heads that need multi blades to do the job of one high grade hollow ground steel blade, which for those that seek utility in everything, well you have a surgical quality cutting edge that can be sharpened wherever in it's own mechanism.

The difference, well, using a blade as opposed to a multi blade, it is all in the preparation, that includes the skin and the razor itself. No rush, make it a ritual to be enjoyed.

I have a review on buying guide online somewhere, I will look it out for here if anyone is interested.
Nov 29, 2004
There is a wikipedia entry for the 'Rolls Razor'.

I use a small Merkur safety razor and find that it gives me a closer shave than any of the 'hi-tech' razors and at a fraction of the price. :)


Jul 23, 2009
Plymouth, Devon
Keep it simple and grow a beard instead. It's a lot cheaper :D

I had a beard, but to keep the other half quiet, it had to go, but I kept my long hair out of the deal. I still venture into a few days growth now and again before I get reigned back in. My ideas with shaving was, if I must shave, there is no way I am buying into the commercial success of throw away razor heads. As it is, I save oodles on hair cuts, not had it cut for three years now, I trim the splits myself.

I got all my Rolls Razors off Fleabay, and you can get a good useable razor very cheaply, sometimes less than a fiver. One of my reviews is on ebay, if you want one, check it out, as I have pooled all my knowledge into that article.


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
An excellent bit of kit, I have a few different sets myself. I currently use the aluminium viscount which is housed in a crocodile skin pouch with space on front for a spare blade in a bakelite pot. The missus bought them for me, she even found the stropping compound from Rolls Razor ion the original bakelite pot! I like the fact that I won't ever have to replace the blades, or not for a very long time anyway! Using them is a ritual I enjoy doing, although I have bearded out a bit lately. How strange that this thread has come up as I just had a tinker with my user as it had a few little rust spots on the blade so i cleaned them off with a scouring pad and stropped the blade back up with some fresh compound on the strop. I may go and have a quick trim, maybe adopt a goatee!

tommy the cat

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 6, 2007
Well I bought one for myself for Christmas and still haven't got round to using it!!!!
Will have a go when my current razors run out!!!


Jun 22, 2009
I haven't seen one of these before. I need one in my life now.

I also believe that preperation is everything when shaving.

I have and use a Parkers safety for everyday use and a parkers travel for when I'm away.


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
Well I bought one for myself for Christmas and still haven't got round to using it!!!!
Will have a go when my current razors run out!!!

Don't cut yourself! :lmao: Always strop the blade before and after shaving, don't use the stone unless you really have to. Use good hot water and a shaving brush and shaving soap, and take your time. I find the hardest part when I started was to shave over the old Adams' apple and over my carotid and jugular! Take it steady though and you'll be just fine. The paperwork that comes with the razor says to keep the blade almost flat in relation to the part of the face being shaved but I tend to tip it out a bit more, I still get a good shave but feel there is less likelihood of slicing my face off! :eek:


Dec 2, 2012
I have just bought a load of Rolls razors as I'm going to Kerala in South India to live and work on the backwaters there.

I picked up a deal of an imperial no.1, 2 imperial no.3's and a viscount. I hope to create a good shaving set out off the selection with good stropping and honing plates and spare blades.

Kerala is very humid so I will try to use vasalene to keep the sharpened spare blades rustproof.
I do like the fact that I won have to go hunting around for expensive disposables and learning how to hone and strop properly makes me feel self sufficient and maybe make the shaving process a little more enjoyable and special.
That's the romantic in me anyway. :)

I hope I don't cut my face off, I am looking forward to my first slow shave knowing that I have a razor for life.

Any information would be great concerning where to buy the stropping paste and other useful information.

Thank you.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 15, 2008
You can use Autosol for stropping paste but don't really need it with a Rolls to be honest. You can even use toothpaste in a pinch and keep it minty fresh. Only time you really need paste is when reconditioning old blades. The leather will keep it keen on it's own in normal use.

Great invention the Rolls. I only have one and paid the princely sum of £7 years back as it was shipped from Ireland. Only reason it cost so much was because it has the original handwritten reciept from Harrod's in 1937 and the gentleman's name who purchased it. Nice touch if you ask me and worth the extra money. They're a great addition to any shave den...have fun in India!
Jul 30, 2012
The stone is a razor stone, something like 10,000 grit, the only problem with it is you will not develop a dood burr as it sharpens by cutting into rather than dragging doesn't it? I could be wrong as I only bought mine for the stone.


Dec 2, 2012
I seem to think pushing along the stone is the correct way, that is how I have seen budding enthusiast's honing their straight razors, which the rolls razor really is, a hollow ground 3rd size of a straight razor attached with a handle and safety bar.

I am having patience sharpening mine as I don't have any proper stones to flat hone it on, so I'm just using the rolls honing stone and hopefully I will get their. It's getting better each time though. I had the first shave today, it was ok just needs to be a little more sharper, it will get there and then I can keep it there.

I also used a little jeweller's rouge on the leather as it was a bit dry. I melted the waxy crayon rouge and dripped 4-5 drops on the leather and rubbed in it with a rag, ended up just using my finger in the end.

I really do like these razors.
Jul 30, 2012
The edge on a razor is so shallow it's almost a burr, when you strop you pull the razor to give it a super fine edge, unfortunately this is weak and as every one knows, blunts quickly, that's why so much stopping goes on. When you pull a blade you a burr and when you push you cut the burr off. I can imagine the burr you could build up on such a narrow blade would be quite considerable.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Funny, I've had a beard since school and yet I used to collect old styles of razor! Still some kicking around somewhere and as I shave my neck they did all get used at some time bar a WWI trench issue one still in it's packaging.

The Rolls was well named as it's a lovely piece to use.


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