The perfect set- up (for me)

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Nov 20, 2012
Been out all day today in nearby NF area, had a brilliant day. Just looking at my kit it seems perfect for me.

Medium Alice Pack complete with frame - bombproof, cheap

New British Army Basha - massive

58 pattern poncho as ground sheet - doubles as rain cover when walking

USGI poncho liner snapped into USGI poncho (my own mod) for warmth

German folding sleep mat - fits brilliantly into Alice frame, using bungees

Tent pegs from USMC tactical tent, mine came with extra pegs, side issue but tent is brilliant!

Swedish Army Trangia - v tough, has loads of redundancy

MRE for lunch - v tasty, struggle with bad press for these? Boil in bag therefore plenty of hot water for brew

Austrian Army Gore Tex coat - v cheap, brilliant

Helikon Tex Patriot Fleece - v warm, loads of useful pockets, PIT ZIPS!

Helikon combat trousers - non camo, no need, cheap, tough

La Crosse Gore Tex boots - £40 quid from TK MAXX!!

Boonie hat - put copper wire in rim, great for keeping midges off, especiallt when used in conjunction with head net

Could go on, but just to look at kit and know it was cheap, is tough and fits the bill perfectly is very satisfying

Happy trails everyone

And then it starts. The niggle. What once seemed great, one day you wake up and it isn't . You see something you don't want or need but the kit monster inside keeps nagging away and you end up buying it. After awhile you need another fix and so it goes on.
I am truely happy that you have found happiness in your kit long may it be so. Beware, I fear the very fact you have said you're happy is the doorway the kit monster needs. Be on your guard at all times !!!


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