The joy of not working - Ernie J Zelinski

falling rain

Oct 17, 2003
Woodbury Devon
I've just finished reading this book. (which I picked up from a second hand WRVS book stall at the hospital for a £1) After all the threads by people wanting to move to where the grass is greener or are fed up with the rat race it's quite an interesting book if you feel that way.
It won't give you exact tips on how to make money easily but it puts you well in mind that we don't need all the 'stuff' we think we need and there's far more to life than working all the hours god sends. You've only got one life the choice is yours. 1995 escort or BMW with personalised plates? do you really need the BMW - the big mortgage - the plasma TV. Anyway you get the picture and the guy is absoultely right who needs to work? Or at least to the extent that we do. Ignorance is never out of style, It was in fashion yesterday, it is the rage today, and it will set the pace tomorrow.
less work equals less money but also means more time with family, bushcrafting and fishing. Pretty much in that order.
It's not a miracle book on how you can stop working tomorrow full of practical advice, but it does point out (if you havn't realised it) what really matters and what really dosn't. :)

A quote from the book says - Sometimes It's good to have money, and the things money can buy, but it's good, too, to check up once in a while and be sure you havn't lost the things money can't buy.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 15, 2005
An old joiner I know was once telling me about a bloke he used to work with, this bloke used to go out every sunday and not bother turning in to work most mondays.

When the bloke I know said to him "How come you only work four days a week"

His reply was "Cos I can't get by on three"


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
I know work three 12 hours shifts a week, suits me fine, three on four off, about once a month its three on eight off. I could not go back to a five day week now.


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 1, 2008
W. Yorkshire
A man after my own heart. I agree with him completely.

In the four and a half years i have had to live a "normal" life i've worked for about half of that. I'm far from being lazy, i just don't like taking orders from muppets who don't have a clue about life or most things around them. I earn my own money, grow/shoot my own food, raise 3 kids etc etc. I may not bring loads home moneywise, but i save us more than i would earn by working,( childcare, food, etc). My partner likes her job so everyones happy and the kids also get an education in self sufficency. They love it.


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