The article is very worth reading.
I used to live with someone who had major back pain and problems (post childbearing).Brillant article.
The man of the house is presently nursing a slipped disk. It sounds like he has contracted tourettes as well. I looked up embrocation creams, most of them work by increasing blood flow. An injured area needs to increase blood flow to repair it also doesnt need to become so swollen that the swelling itself becomes damaging.
The man of the house is presently nursing a slipped disk. It sounds like he has contracted tourettes as well.
I find the treatment for my bad back is a distillate of femented barley used as the basis for an oak tincture - taken internally repeatedly as needed.
......If you have any meds stick to Paracetamol for first 48 hours before hitting the NSAIDs
so use Rest and avoid Rest?