

Mar 6, 2006
Kent UK
Thanks, I didn't know that they sold decent stuff like Karrimor what next Berghaus? :You_Rock_

It was always worth swinging past their camping section in my local Tesco during the summer to see what they had, mainly crap but at silly prices that were hard to resist. The fleece blankets were fantastic value although my £6 day sack won't make it to next summer without the main straps being re-stitched :)

Many a happy Saturday morning was spent going from Aldi > Tesco > Wilkinson and coming home with a bag full of crap and change from £20 ;)


Aug 1, 2005
Karrimor packs are generally very good. I don't know if I am alone in this but some of their more recent gear I have seen in shops seems to lack the feeling of quality and attention to detail that they had a few years ago.

I used a Jaguar 75 pack for a long time and was very happy with it - good frame and harness. The Panther model Tesco are listing used to be its "little borther" but I don't remember what the differences were.

I owned a "Hot Earth" day pack and thought it was fantastic. It had a robust waist belt and a sort of back frame made of metal strips embedded in foam and could be shaped to fit your back. This frame was removable and was supposed to be usable as a cushion to sit on (not that I ever bothered). The pack had no side pouches and sat fairly high on your back which gave it a lot of stability. As good as it was, I wouldn't buy one at the price Tesco is charging (£60+) but I would certainly consider the "Hot Rock" model they have at around £35. This model was meant to tailored for climbers but I don't know what the differences were other than being slightly larger capacity.


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