Does any one know of a tried and true method for fast tarnishing/"antique styling" of metal rivets and screws? Just got my AL, brass and copper hardware in, and it appears to be in direct competition with a mirror as far as reflectivity goes... and that is far too bright to match up with the dark leathers.
Right now i've got one of each sitting in saltwater, in saltwater and vinegar, and thinking of something else which could speed the look to old.
Any suggestions are more than helpful.
Found these recipes for a good tarnish setup, but my shop isn't located anywhere near a place i can get these... working on trying to extract/make the necessary compounds to create these mixes...
Black for brass:
2oo gm cooper carbonate
1 lit ammonia /
25%/ Cold immersion!
Brown for brass:
5 gm cooper sulphate
5o gm potassium permanganate
1 lit water Hot immersion(9o C)!2-5 min.
Yellowishbrown to orangered for brass
100 gm cooper sulphate
5o gm sodium chlorate
1 lit water Hot immersion (9oC)!
Goran Budija
- Zagreb ,Croatia
EDIT part 2>>>
OK, got a fairly quick fix for making brass, aluminum and copper from shiny new to not-so-shiny old It works! Results may vary from country to country. Void where prohibited. Somwe restrictions may apply. Not responsible for personal injury. Yaditah yaditah yaditah
BTW This stuff is not particularly dangerous to skin.. but i wouldn't suggest drinking it, washing your eyes out with it, or soaking your feet in it for extended periods.
What you'll need:
-about 1/4 can of coca-cola (or something similar with phosphoric acid in the ingredients)
-about 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide (at least 3% solution; 7 is better)
-about 4 tablespoons of salt (lets just say 30 grms)
-about 45-50 match sticks (make sure they smell sulphury [like rotten eggs] when you light them)
-about 20 cm of the thinnest copper wire strands you can find
-1 pint glass container or thereabouts (remove beer residue first )
What you need to do:
1. crush the match heads in a piece of folded paper using the back of a metal spoon
2. throw away the match paper/wood and pulverize the heads into a powder
3. set match powder aside
4. cut the copper wire into small pieces >2mm
5. set copper wire pieces aside
6. pour the coke into the GLASS container
7. add the salt to the container
8. add the hydrogen peroxide to the container
9. put the container in your microwave or heat it very carefully to a hot, but not boiling temperature (roughly 1.5 minutes). hot being the point right before the small bubbles form on the bottom of the glass
10. remove container and add the crushed match heads and the copper wire pieces
11. stir vigorously for about 2 minutes
12. add your shiny objects and stir
...continue to stir everything up every 5 minutes to keep too much settling from happening. Keep the objects in their for about 20-30 minutes or until satisfied with the result.
This will take the shiny right off and add a frosted dirty finish to brass and aluminum. If your match sticks are red, be careful, it can actually change the color of brass to a more orange/lt. red color (make sure the match heads are fully dissolved). The longer you let the mixture sit, the stronger it will become. So, keep a loose lid on it and set it in the window sill for a couple of days, and you'll be able to divide the time necessary to tarnish away. Remember to wash the objects off thoroughly with clean water when finished. This stuff will continue to eat away if left on.... If you would like an even stronger tarnish, get some dirty hands on that finished metal, and do the satin rub .
AL will take less time to work into a tarnish than brass. Am working on a tarnish for nickel next.. will addend to this post.
Good luck and please let me know how this (if you ever should have a need for it) works for you
Right now i've got one of each sitting in saltwater, in saltwater and vinegar, and thinking of something else which could speed the look to old.
Any suggestions are more than helpful.
Found these recipes for a good tarnish setup, but my shop isn't located anywhere near a place i can get these... working on trying to extract/make the necessary compounds to create these mixes...
Black for brass:
2oo gm cooper carbonate
1 lit ammonia /
25%/ Cold immersion!
Brown for brass:
5 gm cooper sulphate
5o gm potassium permanganate
1 lit water Hot immersion(9o C)!2-5 min.
Yellowishbrown to orangered for brass
100 gm cooper sulphate
5o gm sodium chlorate
1 lit water Hot immersion (9oC)!
Goran Budija
- Zagreb ,Croatia
EDIT part 2>>>
OK, got a fairly quick fix for making brass, aluminum and copper from shiny new to not-so-shiny old It works! Results may vary from country to country. Void where prohibited. Somwe restrictions may apply. Not responsible for personal injury. Yaditah yaditah yaditah
BTW This stuff is not particularly dangerous to skin.. but i wouldn't suggest drinking it, washing your eyes out with it, or soaking your feet in it for extended periods.
What you'll need:
-about 1/4 can of coca-cola (or something similar with phosphoric acid in the ingredients)
-about 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide (at least 3% solution; 7 is better)
-about 4 tablespoons of salt (lets just say 30 grms)
-about 45-50 match sticks (make sure they smell sulphury [like rotten eggs] when you light them)
-about 20 cm of the thinnest copper wire strands you can find
-1 pint glass container or thereabouts (remove beer residue first )
What you need to do:
1. crush the match heads in a piece of folded paper using the back of a metal spoon
2. throw away the match paper/wood and pulverize the heads into a powder
3. set match powder aside
4. cut the copper wire into small pieces >2mm
5. set copper wire pieces aside
6. pour the coke into the GLASS container
7. add the salt to the container
8. add the hydrogen peroxide to the container
9. put the container in your microwave or heat it very carefully to a hot, but not boiling temperature (roughly 1.5 minutes). hot being the point right before the small bubbles form on the bottom of the glass
10. remove container and add the crushed match heads and the copper wire pieces
11. stir vigorously for about 2 minutes
12. add your shiny objects and stir
...continue to stir everything up every 5 minutes to keep too much settling from happening. Keep the objects in their for about 20-30 minutes or until satisfied with the result.
This will take the shiny right off and add a frosted dirty finish to brass and aluminum. If your match sticks are red, be careful, it can actually change the color of brass to a more orange/lt. red color (make sure the match heads are fully dissolved). The longer you let the mixture sit, the stronger it will become. So, keep a loose lid on it and set it in the window sill for a couple of days, and you'll be able to divide the time necessary to tarnish away. Remember to wash the objects off thoroughly with clean water when finished. This stuff will continue to eat away if left on.... If you would like an even stronger tarnish, get some dirty hands on that finished metal, and do the satin rub .
AL will take less time to work into a tarnish than brass. Am working on a tarnish for nickel next.. will addend to this post.
Good luck and please let me know how this (if you ever should have a need for it) works for you