swedish army axe refurb


Full Member
May 23, 2014
Evening all

a little while ago a member on here made the incredibly generous gesture of gifting me the above axe
Just got a pm out of the blue asking if I wanted a free axe. because i'd mentioned some weeks earlier that I was after one

How amazing is that?.
he wouldn't even let me pay postage on it....all he asked was that I share the karma and give a donation to a charity of my choice
Stuff like this fair warms the cockles of me old heart it does

I'll leave it up to the man himself if wants to be named. Just in case he'd like to remain anonymous

So onto the axe

Here it is as it arrived. it had a few dings on it but overall in not bad condition at all considering the age of it (1942 I think)
The head was very slightly loose but luckily there wasn't a steel wedge in there already so a quick fettle and hammer had that sorted in no time

A good sanding of the haft, a liberal application of wood dye, and a work over with a flap disc later....I think its scrubbed up rather well for an old girl

The edge still needs a good bit of work, A little cutting back and re-shaping....I'll leave that for a real nasty, wet, orrible day though lol
All in all though I'm absolutely over the moon with my surprice early christmas present


Full Member
Jun 19, 2014
United Kingdom
That looks like a grand chopper :D I'm new around here and having been around the internet for a good ole while I guess I'm still surprised at just how nice and pleasant everyone is on this site.


Feb 27, 2014
Deserved well done to the member who gave it to you.
You have also done a grand job with the refurb


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