As you're no doubt aware, BCUK has been down for maintenance for a while
The Group Buy WILL go ahead!!!
I'm in the process of transferring enough funds to cover the purchase from PayPal to my bank....as soon as the funds are in my account I will order
SO = any more for any more?? You have about 3 to 5 days MAX to add more knives to your order or put your name down if you've not already done so
I'll keep people updated on the order status, when it's s been shipped from New Zealand & when it's landed here...etc.
Once I have the Peasants here & have paid the Import Duty/Tax I'll then know the unit cost & will let people know - it should STILL be approx £11 inc. postage
I'll give payment instructions THEN...PayPal is easiest, but I will also do cheque, etc.
The Peasants will be mailed with proof of posting ONLY, as unless you have ordered 4 or more then insurance will not be cost effective.
If you have questions drop me a line