Suffolk Bushcraft - 2 Night Meet 19th to 21st February 2016.

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
2 Night Meet 19th to 21st February 2016.

A 10 Acre mixed Woodland that is very quiet and secluded, and lends itself to wild camping, both in Hammocks and Tents/Tarps, just outside of the village of Stansfield,

Regulars that have been to the Site before - 12:00 onwards - First person on site to report at Office before going to the woods, so The landowner knows we have arrived, No arrivals after 9:30pm.....

New comers to Site - Meet at Compasses Pub, Stansfield, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 8LN. By Arrangement Only, normally finishing about midday on the Last day. Please be on time as the Woodland is hard to find,

The Camp Site charge per person for the weekend, In Cash please on arrival, Please bring the correct amount.

Adults - Up to two nights £10,

10 to 18 years of age - Up to two nights £5,

Under 10's there is no charge.

Under 18s
Are welcome to attend, they are the responsibility of the Parent/Guardian that they came to the meet with, also please keep children under control. Please Note this a remote woodland in Suffolk, it is about 1 Mile from a road, and some time only accessible by foot across a field (about 1/2 mile), please read the full description of the place, it may be worth a visit before bringing under 18's, just to make sure its not too wild for them.

Our meets, are good natured and light hearted, with safety in mind, we aim to carry this on with self regulation, if it does not then the offending person will be asked to leave immediately.

This is a very wild site...There is a Basic Long drop Toilet at the site and Shower at a Farm Yard about 1km away, the nearest Tap is about a 600m from the Woodland.

Personal Hygiene - please bring your Hygiene kits (loo roll ect),

The Communal Area has a number of seat/ small tables, a rustic bushy Table, a clay oven to make food prep a bit easier then doing it on your lap, The fire pit has a concrete base.

There is NO Facility to leave rubbish on site or at the farm, please bring a Rubbish Bag for your waste and take it home; we have had occasions were other peoples pitches have been cleaned up by others, You Carry In – You Carry Out.

We do have a rule of no rubbish to be burnt on the fire during time people are cooking or using the fire area for food drink preparation, Please respect this.

Fire Places and Fire scar’s to be kept to a minimum, this will depend on activities, if you make a Fire Scar for any reason, other than communal one, then it is your responsibility to clean it up, The Main communal Fire is Everyone’s responsibility to clean up after.

The communal area is to be set up and fire light before personal kit is set up, on the last day the communal area is to be packed away, Tinder, Kindling, and firewood is to be prepared ready for the next meet prior to leaving site, this will make things easier for all.

NO Green Wood to be cut........

Vehicles and Access and Parking to site
NO ACCESS TO WOODLAND FOR VEHICLES, Car Parking for the woodland will be about 800m away from the woodland in a Working Farm Yard, please do not block Gates and Barn doorways.

Group Meal,

If someone would like to do a group meal on the Saturday night let me know.

(The Group meals are supplied but the person making them, then the cost is divided between the participants, please remember Cash is required).

In case of Unforeseen events that may cause there to be no group meal, please allow in your catering for that emergency meal.

Other Info
Please keep to the simple rules and treat it with respect.

Dogs are welcome - Only well-behaved, you must clean up after them... POO bags to be taken home

Wood can be gathered from around the site, Dead Wood only to be used. No green wood cutting allowed

Please note that the Group Shed is for Group equipment, personal Equipment may be left as a last resort between two meets, but the sole responsibility for the items left in the shed lays solely with the person they are left by, the Attenders, Landowner and the Group are in no way responsible for loss damage or theft of the items.

Of course Micky being taken is compulsory....

I know people Like taking Photo's and sharing experiences, and some do not like the Photo's on the Internet, so Please bear this in mind when posting after the event, also I you do not want your picture on the internet then please make all aware....

Slippers are welcome.....

All Attendee's, attend and take part in any activities at their own attending you agree to this term.

First Aid
There are no First Aid facilities on site, so you will need to bring your own suitable First Aid kit, not just some plasters.

The nearest A & E is 20 minutes drive at;

West Suffolk Hospital
Hardwick Lane
Bury St Edmunds
Suffolk IP33 2QZ,
Switchboard: 01284 713000

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
To attend Please Paste and copy this post and add your name, also include the nights you will stay.

All Attendee's, attend and take part in any activities at their own attending you agree to this term.

1. Big Stu & Ruby - Fri & Sat. tent

Also add the nights you will be staying

Please let me know if your are not turning up.


Mar 11, 2013
To attend Please Paste and copy this post and add your name, also include the nights you will stay.

All Attendee's, attend and take part in any activities at their own attending you agree to this term.

1. Big Stu & Ruby - Fri & Sat. tent
2. Iambosscat - Fri & Sat. tarp

Also add the nights you will be staying

Please let me know if your are not turning up.


Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
To attend Please Paste and copy this post and add your name, also include the nights you will stay.

All Attendee's, attend and take part in any activities at their own attending you agree to this term.

1. Big Stu & Ruby - Fri & Sat. tent
2. Iambosscat - Fri & Sat. tarp
3. Colin + Ramsons :) - Fri & Sat.

Also add the nights you will be staying

Please let me know if your are not turning up.
To attend Please Paste and copy this post and add your name, also include the nights you will stay.

All Attendee's, attend and take part in any activities at their own attending you agree to this term.

1. Big Stu & Ruby - Fri & Sat. tent
2. Iambosscat - Fri & Sat. tarp
3. Colin + Ramsons - Fri & Sat.
4. outdoor guy - sat - hammock+tarp

Also add the nights you will be staying

Please let me know if your are not turning up.


Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
Just a note for people who might not have been before, meet up around 12 - 1.30 pm at the Compasses PH Stansfield.
Looks like this will be a good one.
Stu, do we have a new tarp.

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
it will be good to see you all, not yet i'll order a new one, hopefully I can catch up with Chris to get the kitty

ESL Jake

Full Member
Sep 22, 2015
To attend Please Paste and copy this post and add your name, also include the nights you will stay.

All Attendee's, attend and take part in any activities at their own attending you agree to this term.

1. Big Stu & Ruby - Fri & Sat. tent
2. Iambosscat - Fri & Sat. tarp
3. Colin + Ramsons - Fri & Sat.
4. outdoor guy - sat - hammock+tarp
5.Jake Fri & Sat- Tarp


Full Member
Jul 19, 2014
Stradishall, Suffolk
I am hoping to attend this one, i may be back to late on friday to make both nights but one will do me at the moment! but I'm not going to put my name down for obvious reasons.

Hope to see you all there.


Feb 17, 2013
Clacton on Sea
To attend Please Paste and copy this post and add your name, also include the nights you will stay.

All Attendee's, attend and take part in any activities at their own attending you agree to this term.

1. Big Stu & Ruby - Fri & Sat. tent
2. Iambosscat - Fri & Sat. tarp
3. Colin + Ramsons - Fri & Sat.
4. outdoor guy - sat - hammock+tarp
5.Jake Fri & Sat- Tarp
6.Mike & Bryson - Fri & Sat - tent

Hopefully nothing will get in the way this weekend, booked Fri off work, really need and looking forward to this.

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
Be good to see you Mike, its been a while since we have caught up.

Looks like a nice little meeting beginning to gather.. :)

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
NA they have not... I have messaged the seller... no answer yet...Paypal will get a message soon.....


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.