I've got an array of large and surprisingly efficient solar panels on my house, 18 of them to be precise. We had them installed 7 years ago and we get a nice little pay back every quarter, by selling surplus electric back to the grid.
Now, here's what's got me thinking.... the inverter just packed in. It appears ours was designed to only last five years, so it's done us good. The cost of a better replacement will see me pay out nearly a grand, and I'm OK with that as the new one will last a minimum of ten years and is more efficient.
When I get a professional to fit the new inverter, do I also get some deep cycle batteries installed to store my surplus electricity rather than sell it back to the grid? And if I do, what type should I use? Is it worth it? How does it all work? Has anyone done it?
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Now, here's what's got me thinking.... the inverter just packed in. It appears ours was designed to only last five years, so it's done us good. The cost of a better replacement will see me pay out nearly a grand, and I'm OK with that as the new one will last a minimum of ten years and is more efficient.
When I get a professional to fit the new inverter, do I also get some deep cycle batteries installed to store my surplus electricity rather than sell it back to the grid? And if I do, what type should I use? Is it worth it? How does it all work? Has anyone done it?
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