Stinging Nettle

This is the 2nd episode of 'Tales From The Wasteland', in it Dogmeat and I go over an ancient staple and food crop, stinging nettle. Stinging nettle is one of our oldest food crops and can be used to make rope and fabric. This is one of the most nutritious foods that can be found in the wild... and you thought it was just a source of childhood dares.

WARNING: Stinging Nettle contains hypodermic needle like thorns that cause (in some regions severe) stinging that must be neutralized by soaking or cooking first.


Hope you enjoy the video and the nettle.


Sep 15, 2008
Nettle soup is a favorite, not only in the woods.
Here is an easy recipe:

2 litres of nettle
1 liter of water
2 vegetable bouillon cubes
2 tablespoons butter
3 tbsp plain flour
1 cup cream
2 eggs, hard-boiled

Boil nettles in water for 15 minutes. Keep the lid on. Then let the nettles cool and squeeze out the liquid. Save the liquid.
Chop nettles
Mix together a ball of butter and flour.
Boil the liquid again and add 1-2 bouillon cubes. Add flour and butter-ball.
Stir and let simmer for about 5 minutes.
Add the chopped nettles and cream.
Serve with half an egg in each soup plate.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
If you are prone to kidney stones then Nettle is one of the plants (along with the Sorrel family and more) that you need to go easy on.
I love Nettle and Ramson Soup and find that nettle is a great spinach substitute in almost any way you might think of eating spinach - but I go easy as I am prone to the stone!
Nettle Wine and Nettle Beer are two grand drinks :) while Nettle Tea is OK for Teetotallers!

Elen Sentier

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Our favourite pub does nettle and ramsons soup - excellent stuff! We usually do them separate though as I like to taste each separately. Hubby does a very good nettle soup similar to above recipe but without the eggs. Nettle omlette is good to (as per spinnach ver). We did crispy-fried nettles in beery-butter to go with our limpets on Orkney last year ... they were to die for !!! New/young nettles taste (and sting!) best.


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