Stash box challenge


Full Member
Apr 8, 2013
Hi guys ive just come up with an idea for a little fun and conversation.
I would like to challenge members to put together. a box of items that if an emergency situation happened
the person in question could go to retrieve a box of gear which would help keep them alive for a prolonged period of time.
I suppose this one will appeal to the preppers/ survivalist types on here but there is a further twist which will make it an interesting experiment.
the box in question must be no bigger than a standard adult shoe box.
it must contain
something to use as a shelter.
something to sleep on
something to cook in
a means of procuring and making water safe to drink
a means of cooking.
fire lighting.
a means of providing light
a method or equipment for accurate navigation
basic first aid and hygene
a cutting tool
some means of procuring meat.
but the biggest part of the challenge
the box or stash must contain (nothing metallic) as it has to be metal detector proof.
lets see who comes up with the most novel ideas photos would be great have fun!!


Full Member
May 26, 2015
I'll have a lash at it...

10ft x 10ft of thin clear plastic sheeting (shelter, solar still for safe drinking water)

Mini nylon net hammock with support ring replaced with carbon fibre rings (sleep on, improvised backpack)

Ceramic bowl with lid (both the container and something to cook in)

Micro water filter good for 100k litres of water (safe drinking water)

3ft of sash cord (to make bow drill for fire lighting)

Candle (light, firelighting)

Plasters, bandage, antiseptic cream and alcohol wipes (medical kit)

100% Carbon fibre neck knife (cutting tool)

40ft kevlar cord to make traps (procuring meat)

Carbon fibre fishing hooks (procuring meat)

Carbon fibre spearhead (procuring meat)

Wooden whistle (signaling)

Navigation would have to be by the stars, can't think if a replacement for a compass.

Magnifying credit card (alternative means of fire lighting)

Box of matches (make first few fires easier)

Pack of water purification tablets (backup safe drinking water)

3ft x 3ft of cotton (carrying bag, water filter, fire lighting, medical sling)

Plastic bin bag (water proof layer, carrying bag, water filter)

Small bottle of whiskey with cork (entertainment, sanity, pain relief)

No metal and pretty much everything on the list other than the navigation equipment.


Full Member
May 26, 2015
Just a fishing hook made from carbon fibre... you can buy them attached to paracord bracelets and similar.
Mar 15, 2011
on the heather
Ill give it a bash.
The equipment for accurate navigation has me a bit stumped, other than a map and observation, a non-magnetic compass,:confused: not easy, my first thought was the ancient world and the Astrolabe, or perhaps a modified WWII style Bangold Sun Compass but a simple Viking Sun Compass might suffice here, maybe...? shadow stick ? relying on the sun to much perhaps? here, right now its grey and overcast, so maybe say a 50/50 chance of seeing Polaris tonight? I know, to many question marks.

Here's a picture of one of our now buried resupply biscuit tin food caches, just to help lighten the load on a long distance walk we are planning.
Food mainly, Rum for errr medicinal use ;-) coffee, candles, water purification tabs, the lemon in the pic, it was bone dry and rock hard when it went in the box.

Anyway a nice wee challenge there GreatBear,,,, now old school primitive or high-tech, hhuummmmmmm...
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Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
Hi guys ive just come up with an idea for a little fun and conversation.
I would like to challenge members to put together. a box of items that if an emergency situation happened
the person in question could go to retrieve a box of gear which would help keep them alive for a prolonged period of time.
I suppose this one will appeal to the preppers/ survivalist types on here but there is a further twist which will make it an interesting experiment.
the box in question must be no bigger than a standard adult shoe box.

the box or stash must contain (nothing metallic) as it has to be metal detector proof.
lets see who comes up with the most novel ideas photos would be great have fun!!

Can i ask some insight into the specified need? I'm just interested in why you're posing such a question , interesting as it is.




We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.