Start em young


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
Thought id post up a few pictures from this mornings Task morning at one of the local conservation groups i belong to, this particular group is brilliant, as it has probably one of the widest groups of age ranges and back grounds i think ive seen for a small local conservation group, what really impresses me is the group as a whole, it doesn't matter what your age or back ground, or how long you can spare them, everybody's opinion is listened to and everybody's contribution, no matter how big or small, is valued and appreciated - fairly rare these days, thankfully the same ethos exists in another group i belong to.

On to the pics, the main task today was to clear some small trees and branches that had been blown over during the recent storms and although they were not blocking the paths, they were an accident waiting to happen for the unwary and would have come down anyway in the next good blow, so out with the tools and off we went, whilst youngest and the two girls (Chairman's daughters) cleared some fallen over Clematis & Ivy on a dead Ash tree





Whilst eldest and i sectioned a fallen Blackthorn and disposed of it in the hedge, nothing is burnt up here - ever, it's all put in the hedge in piles to rot and provide a home for bugs and beasties, which in turn provide food for the birds and animals who in turn, well you get the idea



Today was brilliant for one fact, the kids out numbered the adults and they all worked and worked hard, and we accomplished everything we wanted to do ahead of schedule, the task days only last for a few hours, but are great fun and a superb way to meet like minded people and further your own knowledge and at the same time, care for a small local nature reserve.

Roll on the next one.
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Full Member
Sep 24, 2008
In the Mountains
Looks like a lot of fun, I am really looking forward to when my daughter is old enough to get involved like that.
Thanks for sharing


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
cheers mate, it's lovely to see the young uns get involved with nature and help to protect it rather than try to destroy it as unfortunately, a very small minority do, the lad in the blue hat is doing it as part of his DofE i believe

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
Great work , there, I been doing the same thing today with the local landrover Owners Club I belong to, Clear Two short impassable Green Lanes in suffolk, with the help of suffolk County Council.


Full Member
Jan 26, 2011
Hi Mark,

Sorry to hijack the thread, but in part it was your post that inspired me to go out and take some pics of me with my youngest today. She's just turned three but as she's always come along with her brothers on our trips out to the woods she's totally at home there :) Today we went by ourselves as it was the day of her brothers birthday party so evryone else was at home preparing for the madness and as the dogs needed walking we took the chance to find some calm before the storm!

2012-01-21 14.31.46.jpg

We're very lucky living in between the Malvern Hills and the Eastnor estate and so we have endless great walks and spaces to explore. Today we headed up into Park Wood where the local conservators have been hard at work coppicing an area that used to be used for limekilns and quarrys.

2012-01-21 14.02.18.jpg

The spot that we found was nicely sheltered in one of the old limestone quarrys. It had a number of great boulder seats too. We had collected a pice of standing deadwood on the way up (along with some stones for my daugher) to get a hot chocolate on for us to share.

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Despite only going out for a few hours couldn't resist the kit shot. The greatest piece of kit in the photo is the old dispatch riders bag on the right. I got it off ebay for a few quid, having had one myself when I was dispatch riding at university. It just makes such a great kit and foraging bag. It is wide enough my GB small forest axe, a pair of gloves, folding saw etc, can take a huge amount of wood if walking to an over night camp spot, just pick up the best bits as you go along, and as I'm a great fan of the multifunctional it makes a fully waterproof seat too if ever you need to park the bum for a minute. Also featured is the emberlit stove from the group buy, my battered Alpkit mug and my faithfull F1 for getting the wood sorted for the water.

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The two rabbit catchers, although they prefer the ones that meow raher than bounce!

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Our little quarry shelter.

2012-01-21 14.33.05.jpg

The walk home.

Again sorry to Mark for jumping on the thread but the title seemed so apt :)

Many Thanks



Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 6, 2011
East Sussex, UK
Lovely pictures - she looks very happy. I'm wondering how my terrible-twos-toddler would cope out in the woods - probably need carrying


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
Hi Mark,

Sorry to hijack the thread,

no worries Rich, i dont see it as a hijack in anyway, more an evolution of a theme, good on you for getting out there, looks like you both had ana amazing time and what a spot to go play in.

If you could send your bunny hunters this way though, i have quite a few "bunnies" that go meow, that need dealing with - damned things


Full Member
Jan 26, 2011
Lovely pictures - she looks very happy. I'm wondering how my terrible-twos-toddler would cope out in the woods - probably need carrying

With Seren and the boys at that age, although we might have had t carry them to or into the woods, once there they would bimble round and pic up sticks and stones, or follow beetles running round with their fingers. What I did come to realise with Seren is that as a third child, she can sometimes be pretty full on at home to make herself heard, but in the great outdoors she just totally chills out so the terrible twos were always left at home! :)



Full Member
Jan 26, 2011
no worries Rich, i dont see it as a hijack in anyway, more an evolution of a theme,

If you could send your bunny hunters this way though, i have quite a few "bunnies" that go meow, that need dealing with - damned things

Thanks Mark :)

Anytime for the lurchers mate, they travel remarkably well : )

All the best



Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
I'll get my cousin down as well, he has a couple of Lurchers as well, one is a daft as a brush, the other even dafter:)


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