Sometimes I think 'planning permission' is intended to keep us in boxes :sigh:


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
This couple live in wales, where the asembly government has spent stupid levels of cash consulting themselves to write a sustainable housing policy, which frankly this couple prove isnt worth the recycled loo paper it is written on.

Alledgly under this policy people (which isn't supposed discrimante against anyone on thier ecominic status) can sustainably develop land if they can use that land to provide 60% of thier energy, food or livelyhood from that land. Then you read on that the development must comply to build regs and be in the highest class of energy effiency. The cost of building and gaining planning on a eco-home that complies is astromical. This couple live next the lammas development which has these such homes, they cost so much most of the people living in them are from south east england. They built this house because they were living where a lot of young farmers live, in a poorly insulated static on the same land.

Planners want us all to live plumbed in to the mains and with rent a roof solar panels. Dale farm dodged the planners. They came they were evicted, they hitched up, left and one week later returned. I admire their cunning if nothing else. The planning rules are that stifleling if anyone here whats to live truely off grid, my advice would be use a dwelling that can be shifted quickly.
Last edited:
Nov 29, 2004
" advice would be use a dwelling that can be shifted quickly..."

Towavardo from the Windy Smithy.





Jun 10, 2006
south wales
They built a house that is out of character with the area and built without planing permission? What did they expect the council to do, say 'carry on and well done'?


Jul 27, 2011
They built a house that is out of character with the area and built without planing permission? What did they expect the council to do, say 'carry on and well done'?

I think thats exactly what they expected. 'Oh, you've broken the law, but it's pretty so we'll leave it this time'

No. There was nothing to stop them building there dwelling in a place that is properly zoned for the same. They broke the law, and I'd bet they did so in a premeditated fashion with full knowledge of the planning required and went ahead anyways, so I have zero sympathy on this one I'm afraid.

Type of home is irrelevant. Eco dream or block of flats. Doesn't matter a damn. If everyone did as they have done and got away with it, then we'd see some 'eyesore' threads and then some when up go the flats.

Andy BB

Full Member
Apr 19, 2010
Yup. They took a gamble by ignoring the planning requirements, and lost. Now hoping to get out of jail free by playing the eco card, knowing it would attract lots of support, as does anything with "eco" attached to it. Throw in a few "class warfare" comments, and job's a good-un......
Nov 29, 2004
"... Throw in a few "class warfare" comments, and job's a good-un..."

You mean something along the lines of...

Google 'Tesco flout planning laws' and then read some of the search results to see how many times they are granted retrospective planning permission?



A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
I'm astounded and puzzled by some of the posts in this thread, but would find it impossible to respond in full without being political. so I'll keep it brief and as neutral as possible.

What those people have done is what we should all be doing in one way or another; the right thing to do! If it doesn't fit with current legislation, that means that the rules are wrong and not the people who broke them! How can anybody possibly say that to build a structure such as this is anything other than the right way forward? And why, in the light of the Welsh Assembly's stated policy, are these people not receiving massive support?.

The reason they didn't apply for planning at the outset?................I'd hazard a guess that they knew they'd be stopped in their tracks without due consideration, or as xylaria has pointed out, priced entirely out of the whole thing by short-sighted and hide-bound beaurocrats and the influence of vested interest lobbys.............................................good luck to them, says I!.............atb mac


Full Member
Jan 29, 2007
I'm astounded and puzzled by some of the posts in this thread, but would find it impossible to respond in full without being political. so I'll keep it brief and as neutral as possible.

What those people have done is what we should all be doing in one way or another; the right thing to do! If it doesn't fit with current legislation, that means that the rules are wrong and not the people who broke them! How can anybody possibly say that to build a structure such as this is anything other than the right way forward? And why, in the light of the Welsh Assembly's stated policy, are these people not receiving massive support?.

The reason they didn't apply for planning at the outset?................I'd hazard a guess that they knew they'd be stopped in their tracks without due consideration, or as xylaria has pointed out, priced entirely out of the whole thing by short-sighted and hide-bound beaurocrats and the influence of vested interest lobbys.............................................good luck to them, says I!.............atb mac

Well said sir!

ex-member BareThrills

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 5, 2011
United Kingdom
I'm astounded and puzzled by some of the posts in this thread, but would find it impossible to respond in full without being political. so I'll keep it brief and as neutral as possible.

What those people have done is what we should all be doing in one way or another; the right thing to do! If it doesn't fit with current legislation, that means that the rules are wrong and not the people who broke them! How can anybody possibly say that to build a structure such as this is anything other than the right way forward? And why, in the light of the Welsh Assembly's stated policy, are these people not receiving massive support?.

The reason they didn't apply for planning at the outset?................I'd hazard a guess that they knew they'd be stopped in their tracks without due consideration, or as xylaria has pointed out, priced entirely out of the whole thing by short-sighted and hide-bound beaurocrats and the influence of vested interest lobbys.............................................good luck to them, says I!.............atb mac

Planning Policy Guidance is just that. The Welsh Assembly document is aimed at giving people an idea of what will be required to receive a positive planning outcome, its a framework. It is not a cart blanch permission to build what you want without permission.

I would reiterate that i like the house but whilst the law is an bottom on occasions, you shouldnt be astounded or puzzled that people choose to apply it to all of society be it humble sculptor or FTSE 100 executive. Being poor or choosing to live in a different way is not an excuse to circumvent that which applies to all.


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
I'm astounded and puzzled by some of the posts in this thread, but would find it impossible to respond in full without being political. so I'll keep it brief and as neutral as possible.

What those people have done is what we should all be doing in one way or another; the right thing to do! If it doesn't fit with current legislation, that means that the rules are wrong and not the people who broke them! How can anybody possibly say that to build a structure such as this is anything other than the right way forward? And why, in the light of the Welsh Assembly's stated policy, are these people not receiving massive support?.

The reason they didn't apply for planning at the outset?................I'd hazard a guess that they knew they'd be stopped in their tracks without due consideration, or as xylaria has pointed out, priced entirely out of the whole thing by short-sighted and hide-bound beaurocrats and the influence of vested interest lobbys.............................................good luck to them, says I!.............atb mac

So if the law does not fit your view the law is wrong and not you:confused: They broke the law big time and now pay the price, simple as that.


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
I see your point, Paul, and I take onboard the wisdom of it in many ways but this just seems to me to be a step too far and to be detrimental and oppressive; but here's where I pull out as there's no way to take this further without becoming political.................just my (friendly) tuppence worth!.........................atb mac

ex-member BareThrills

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 5, 2011
United Kingdom
I see your point, Paul, and I take onboard the wisdom of it in many ways but this just seems to me to be a step too far and to be detrimental and oppressive; but here's where I pull out as there's no way to take this further without becoming political.................just my (friendly) tuppence worth!.........................atb mac

Its all friendly Mac, opinions are like......well we all have them and they all differ lol. I Deal with planners a lot and to be honest in most cases they really do try and help get things through. There are some who are stuck in a different dimension but thats the same in all walks of life. It need'nt be expensive to get permission and i think had these folk engaged with the process they would have got the support they needed to give themselves the best chance. Its better to try and fail that to ignore and lose your 14k build costs would be my take on it.


Jul 23, 2007
Central Scotland
Planning Policy Guidance is just that. The Welsh Assembly document is aimed at giving people an idea of what will be required to receive a positive planning outcome, its a framework. It is not a cart blanch permission to build what you want without permission.

I would reiterate that i like the house but whilst the law is an bottom on occasions, you shouldnt be astounded or puzzled that people choose to apply it to all of society be it humble sculptor or FTSE 100 executive. Being poor or choosing to live in a different way is not an excuse to circumvent that which applies to all.

Well said sir!

When we were thinking on a PV array for the house, we approached planning and building control to see if there was anything we had to be aware of, we thought it would be a better idea than spend a load of money then have to take them down....


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
I think it's the idiocy that a static caravan is allowed, but a build like this needs hoops and expense to be cleared and permitted.

I fully take on board that there are very, very sound reasons for the planning rules, etc., but it can be a nightmare for anyone intending something that is not a 5 x 4 timber framed, or steel and glass galore modern carbuncle.

I still wonder why they didn't try for the planning permission though.....perhaps it was an organic build ? y'know? the kind that grows as materials and time are available ?
How does someone get that through planning without it trebling their limited building costs ?

Interesting responses though.


Elen Sentier

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I think it's the idiocy that a static caravan is allowed, but a build like this needs hoops and expense to be cleared and permitted.

I fully take on board that there are very, very sound reasons for the planning rules, etc., but it can be a nightmare for anyone intending something that is not a 5 x 4 timber framed, or steel and glass galore modern carbuncle.

I still wonder why they didn't try for the planning permission though.....perhaps it was an organic build ? y'know? the kind that grows as materials and time are available ?
How does someone get that through planning without it trebling their limited building costs ?

Interesting responses though.


I have a farmer-friend who has been refused permission to build herself a lovely eco-log cabin to live and work on her land, with her sheep and cattle and hens and pigs. Her fight has been going on since 2006. Yet others - perhaps with backsheesh - have been allowed to build eyesores within a mile of where her farm is. She also wants to work her woodlands - if she had her own permission she would be happy for bushcrafting to happen there too. There is no "sense", it's all about who scratches who's back.

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
I think it's the idiocy that a static caravan is allowed, but a build like this needs hoops and expense to be cleared and permitted.

I fully take on board that there are very, very sound reasons for the planning rules, etc., but it can be a nightmare for anyone intending something that is not a 5 x 4 timber framed, or steel and glass galore modern carbuncle.

I still wonder why they didn't try for the planning permission though.....perhaps it was an organic build ? y'know? the kind that grows as materials and time are available ?
How does someone get that through planning without it trebling their limited building costs ?

Interesting responses though.


You need planning permission for a (permanently sited) residential caravan too - if they had that, I suspect getting it for a house would have been simpler - but we don't know whether they did have for the caravan.

As for a long term build, that's fine. There is a period in which the build must start (5 years IIRC) but it can take many years to complete without a problem, indeed some start a build and then halt to prevent the permission lapsing. In short - an extended build is not a problem.

ex-member BareThrills

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 5, 2011
United Kingdom
Its certainly not about who bungs the planners a brown envelope. Its about who interprets the local plan to bring forward development that is desirable under the adopted local guidance. If you apply and fail you can appeal. 1 in 3 planning appeals are granted so its not all doom.


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