Smell of autumn

Uncle Alvah

Sep 27, 2008
Duncan NC
When I was a kid growing up in Pennsylvania, the quintessential "smell of autumn" was the leaves being burned in the gutter along the various streets in town.

Now where I live, thats not as common a practice. It's been replaced hereabouts by the wonderful pungent scent of "wild onions".

Regardless of which direction I head when I drive out to the paved county road, I've got at least 12 miles of two lane road before I get to a highway. If I head toward Fayetteville, it's more like 50 miles.

All along those two lane roads are a mix of small farms and homes. This time of year, when folks get to mowing those yards and fields, they mow down copious numbers of "wild onions". I put quotes around that because, while wild onions are what they are commonly referred to as, I believe they are really more closely related to some sort of garlic.

Regardless, they are at their most fragrant this time of year, and they literally fill the air with a delightful, robust, earthy scent as they are mowed down.
Nice to soak that fragrance in, driving along in the cool of evening, especially after a summer of breathing filtered air conditioned air everywhere you go!!!!
Roll them windows down and DRIVE!


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