

Jan 13, 2004
stuart f said:
also Reindeer skins SMELL believe me,......... started to blame my feet for being whiffy and so for years my folks were convinced it was me.
Yep, the dried skins might smell, and they may even smell pretty bad :shock: when they have been wet. But then after a week or two on the trail, you don't really care about the smell of the damp skin :roll: compared to your feet :yikes: .
Tanned skins doesn't really smell (oh well, they obviously have their own distinct smell, but it isn't a bad smell).
Oct 18, 2004
The reason some reindeer skins are smelly and shed fur is because these are cheaper ones that are low-grade. I bought one in Helsinki a coupla years ago and it developed an acute case of alopecia the moment I threw it over my sofa when I got home! And it minged so it had to go.

If you want a decent one that doesn't shed fur and doesn't smell you have to be prepared to shell out £80 plus; I bought one from which is in the UK, a few months ago and I'm absolutely delighted with it. After a chat with them they told me that there ARE several grades, the lower ones being more likely to shed and stink, and the grade1 being the best-tanned (which is what I got).

Oh, and a mate of mine bought one from a posh high street store in London (mentioning no names but it was one that sold reindeer skins from all the way over from their natural habitat) for £120 and it shed fur. Nordicarts do shedloads of other stuff too like Marttiini knives and loads of Lapland stuff from Sweden. I got a Lapp "witches tooth" carbon steel knife from them and it's the sharpest piece of kit I own (and the best-looking!).
Dec 9, 2013
The reason some reindeer skins are smelly and shed fur is because these are cheaper ones that are low-grade. I bought one in Helsinki a coupla years ago and it developed an acute case of alopecia the moment I threw it over my sofa when I got home! And it minged so it had to go.

I have one of these low grade ones, bought it in Norway in 2009 up in Narvik and it still stinks. Fur shedding too. Is there any way I can remove the smell or stop the shedding, or better yet both?


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