You're probably swamped with recipes by now, but I teach kids this one.
Easiest bannock recipe is 3;2;1
3 of flour (self raising makes it easy)
2 of dried milk
1 of fruit (fresh or dried), or meat (cooked) or veg(cooked or cut very small, fried onions and grated cheese are good
Add a little salt if using savoury, or spice iif using fruit, and a heaped T spoonful of baking powder per cupful of flour.
Mix all of the dried stuff together, add the extras and make a well in the centre of the pile, dribble in water and cut and stir using a knife to mix. It's less mess than hands and easier to scrape off than a fork or spoon. Makes bannock bread, dampers, twists or even crust to wrap around something like the contents of a tin of corn beef.
Can be cooked in billy's, on a girdle on a greenstick or a hot stone or wrap up in foil or big leaves like coltsfoot, bramble or mallow, or in a mat made from rushes, and bury in the ashes.