Hey @DerekCobb and @NaraJosh,
You guys should really try to get together, you have so much in common I am sure you will have lots to talk about.
You are both 25, both born on the 20th, albeit 11 months apart, both of you are outdoor runners, and both of you are based in Australia but get on line via Paradise Networks in Austin Texas and have a penchant for forum academic archaeology (digging up threads that no one has posted to for months in order to post strangely technical information no one needed to know).
Kinda sorry I didn't approve those, but we like to wait till new members post an intro or something relevant to bushcraft before approval.
Anyway, while you figure out what aspect of bushcraft you are interested in, the two of you should get on famously .
You even formatted your forum names the same way.....
You guys should really try to get together, you have so much in common I am sure you will have lots to talk about.
You are both 25, both born on the 20th, albeit 11 months apart, both of you are outdoor runners, and both of you are based in Australia but get on line via Paradise Networks in Austin Texas and have a penchant for forum academic archaeology (digging up threads that no one has posted to for months in order to post strangely technical information no one needed to know).
Kinda sorry I didn't approve those, but we like to wait till new members post an intro or something relevant to bushcraft before approval.
Anyway, while you figure out what aspect of bushcraft you are interested in, the two of you should get on famously .
You even formatted your forum names the same way.....