you need to approach the district to find out what happened to the rest of the resources, the accounts will have gone to district along with the closing balance and you can get it back. the equipment should have been audited and taken into district storage but that rarely happens.
canoes are a throwback its better to sell them on if they are worth anything than have to get them tested and registered.
I've known folks who setup new as well as restarts and its not easy. I was offered a troop which folded after the leader booked a camp and the kids were sat outside the post office while he slept the beer off from the night before. turn out he pocketed the subs as well. I knew the village and the support had gone. One guy I used to know from jamborettes was kicked out of his troop for being too modern so he went off on his own taking all the kids and half the leaders with him, first time I've seen a troop with 70 kids and 20 helpers on camp so it can work.
I did have a shadow for a while where he came along to my tuesdays and I went to his thursdays till he got sorted out. it saved time as he could just copy what I did and I gave him a load of activity sheets I'd made up.
I agree with the two hours a night issue, my missus would spend hours every night sorting stuff out, doing records etc.. and that was before she discovered facebook and they put up a group forum. I would spend a few evenings a month at it, more if I was running camps that month and I'm not counting time at work diverted from what I should be doing
canoes are a throwback its better to sell them on if they are worth anything than have to get them tested and registered.
I've known folks who setup new as well as restarts and its not easy. I was offered a troop which folded after the leader booked a camp and the kids were sat outside the post office while he slept the beer off from the night before. turn out he pocketed the subs as well. I knew the village and the support had gone. One guy I used to know from jamborettes was kicked out of his troop for being too modern so he went off on his own taking all the kids and half the leaders with him, first time I've seen a troop with 70 kids and 20 helpers on camp so it can work.
I did have a shadow for a while where he came along to my tuesdays and I went to his thursdays till he got sorted out. it saved time as he could just copy what I did and I gave him a load of activity sheets I'd made up.
I agree with the two hours a night issue, my missus would spend hours every night sorting stuff out, doing records etc.. and that was before she discovered facebook and they put up a group forum. I would spend a few evenings a month at it, more if I was running camps that month and I'm not counting time at work diverted from what I should be doing