miniac said:
Thanks for the link, I will be looking when time allows me
Its run by a bloke called Karl Pollak who used to post on uk.rec.scouting but after a really nasty flame war with a UK leader he took his ball and went home.
He didn't have the courage to leave his posts in place and put a time out so that after a few days they disappeared, so that looking back now you can't see what was said. Excepot I use an off line reader that archives posts, and that annoyed him too!!
I think the pharse that started it was
"> But if you have 20 boys in your troop, 15 of them
> will be laying such huge fires in 5 or 10 years because that is what their
> idiot Skip showed them. "
Not exactly diplomatic. That doesn't make his material wrong, indeed there is some good stuff but his philosophy is a bit left of center and I found him very hard to get along with.