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Aug 3, 2008
Saltcoats, Ayrshire
I don't know if this is the right area for this so Mods please feel free to move it.
Thought you should all be made aware of a scam which is becoming more common, I unfortunately fell foul and have only today found out about it.
A recent review on this forum recommended "the Big Tarp" available from Jed at True North which I quite fancied if the price was right. I used the link on the review and enquired about cost. Jed was away at the time although I did not know this, and recieving no reply I looked on the net and found a "True North Pursuits" site providing camping equipment. Believing this to be the same site as Jed's I called the number (a mobile number) and spoke to someone and asked if this was the same company selling the "big Tarp"which was recently reviewed on BCUK and got the answer yes. I duly sent off my order and a cheque for just over £70 for the tarp + P & P and waited for it to arrive, this was around the 15 August. I was in no hurry so hearing nothing I was'nt overly worried, in fact being quite relaxed about it, especialy after seeing the recomendation on here thought all would be well. Until I recieved a message from Jed asking about if I had placed an order. Small bell started ringing in my head which I dismissed, replied to ask if there was a problem with the order to find he had recieved none. A bit of defective detective work later I found my cheque had been cashed, no goods supplied and traders disappeared.
I had been scammed by what is known as Ghost Traders, they set up a bogus website using cut and paste sections from genuine traders sites, set up business accounts under the bogus trading coy name, then after recieving a few thousand quidworth of orders they close the account emptying it first, close the website, then start the process again using a different setup maybe furniture, or tools and they do this on and on making them almost impossible to track down. I have left this in the hands of the bank but they say there is little chance of catching up with them.
The hard thing is I can't really afford to lose that amount of money, and I should have listened to my inner scam early warning system, now I feel a complete idiot, and this is no more than I deserve for being so stupid and naive.
May I make it clear that True North and Jed are not involved in any way shape or form in this scam, far from it Jed made a very generous offer to supply the tarp and wait till I saved the money up to pay which is very kind and considerate of him but as it may take some time to do that, I declined cos I believe it would be unfair on him to have to wait because of my stupidity and some little toerags thievery. Jed if you read this once again thank you. So be aware out there please do not make the same mistake that I did, There Be Monsters.


Aug 3, 2008
Saltcoats, Ayrshire
As I said to Jed I'd love to meet them out in the woods and introduce them to my 2 camping buddies Martindale, and Frost Mora I'd soon enough degoogle them, I'm spittin sparks mate. Worst bit is I really can't afford to lose that amount.


Full Member
Jan 14, 2006
Mate, that really sucks! :(

I get extremely wound up by the ease with which these scumbags get away with scams like this and the fact that nobody ever really seams to care!:cussing: :banghead: :cussing:




Apr 13, 2008
Vancouver Island, BC.
Hmm...these guys can't be that hard to find. All electronic transactions these days leave a big, fat trail if you know where and how to look. And having spent a good while in forensic computing, I do happen to know where and how.

I'll PM ya John - not discussing further here just in case the toerags browse this site.



Dec 15, 2005
Hmm...these guys can't be that hard to find. All electronic transactions these days leave a big, fat trail if you know where and how to look. And having spent a good while in forensic computing, I do happen to know where and how.

I'll PM ya John - not discussing further here just in case the toerags browse this site.


Even with these cash coverter / cheque places ??

That`s a bad do John, hope you get something back fella

Have you still got the mobile number ? I`ve just tried finding them but google`s not finding owt apart from Jeds site.


Aug 3, 2008
Saltcoats, Ayrshire
Thanks Mark but with me sending a cheque by post there is little trail to follow. Common practice for them is to find an empty building on an industrial estate and use this address for incoming cheques and orders so I'm told they can slip in through a window pick up the loot on a daily basis then close down and vamoose so even the mail address is a blind alley. So much is known about how they do it but so difficult to catch them at it.
Yes Shewie but what ya get is " this number no longer available" but at the price of a sim you could not expect anything else.


Oct 22, 2006
If you do find them, bag over the heed, bundle in the back of a van and set aboot them with a pair of pliers and a blow torch ;) :D You'll prob get your money back. Seems to work quite well in my neck of the woods :rolleyes:


Jan 16, 2007
Port Talbot
My mate in work got caught in a similar scam, paid out £1000 for a plasma tv on the net. Week later no tv and like you say the firm vanished.


Jun 12, 2005
Hertfordshire (UK)
Being scammed is a real bummer. Thanks for being humble enough to let us know about it though so we can watch out for it.

I hope something gets sorted at that these scammers get caught before they rip other people off.


Aug 3, 2008
Saltcoats, Ayrshire
I've got to say guys I'm really touched by your replies and offers of assistance, I expected things like "you should never send cheques or cash" or "buyer beware". I am really quite gobsmacked thank you, I really am touched. It was when I wrote the whole thing down and put the whole story together tonight that it became glaringly obvious of how stupid I have been here.
I Thank You all ....... John


Dec 1, 2007
That sucks and I'm sure it happens all to often. Please make sure the police are involved. Unless you others file a complaint nothing will happen. The bank that cleared the checks must have done some form of "know your customer" checks to get the account open, probably forged ID but there may be a paper trail the police can follow.


Aug 3, 2008
Saltcoats, Ayrshire
The bank has taken the case on and they have brought in the police, but they already seem to know the setup and the Modus Operandi so this is apparently becoming more common and if done by professionals very hard to follow through, cheap sims in the mobile phone, derelict building addresses, fake ID to open bank accounts all leading to dead ends, but it's only the first day of investigation I can only hope that they can trace something. Tripitaka explained a bit about what they can do to trace the scumbags so that at least is encouraging, thanks for that again Mark. Just noticed my signature oh dear.


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