I have no time for them at all. 2 years ago there was a pregnant cat that stayed in our garden, it just turned up one day, after she gave birth she vanished but left at least 1 kitten here, RSPCA were contacted and we were told to leave it alone as the mother was still near by, they did advise us to put out some food and water for it though which we did. We phoned them every day to say that the mother hadnt been seen and that we were worried about it, they just said to leave it alond and feed it. 3 days later I opened the front door to find the kitten dead near the door step, when we told them they said there was nothing they could do. To say we were angery is an understtment.
Our opinion of them was low before, with their pomous attitude with the pusdo police uniforms and rank. Now there are no words strong enough to describe or feelings towards them