Reusing salt brine?


Oct 17, 2003
Merseyside, Cheshire
I am making some salt beef for the first time and it seams a shame to waist the brine and as the only meat curing experience I have is dry curing bacon I was wondering if I can reuse the brine?

I know that it will be diluted by the water leaching out of the beef but would it still have a high enough salinity to be safe? Maybe to do another batch or some ham or chicken?
Mar 11, 2009
Dartmoor, Devon
Hello mate,
Off the top of my head i think its fine to reuse brine for curing. I think everynow and then you need to add more salt to it to replace what's lost.... and so long as you keep the brine nice and cool it should go on for many months. I'm recalling this info from memory as i read a book on charcuterie last year by Jane Grigson - it'll probably be a good idea to get yerself a copy, (double check what i just told you! Lol!) its real handy. hope this helps.


Dec 3, 2008
Bruxelles, Belgium
I am not sure exactly what process you are using - so please take what I have to say with a pinch of salt:lmao:

Seriously though - the brine will contain some blood and other fluids so you might want to consider this before re-using it. In other words it isn't just water that's extracted from the beef.

Given the low cost of salt, I don't see much advantage in keeping the brine considering the bother of storing it.
Mar 11, 2009
Dartmoor, Devon
Hi harry,
I think the only advantage of keeping the same brine pot going is that you can keep multiple cuts of meat in it, taking what you need as and when you feel like it. Rather than having multiple pots.... like how we use a freezer nowadays i suppose.
Cheers guys :)


Oct 17, 2003
Merseyside, Cheshire
I am not sure exactly what process you are using - so please take what I have to say with a pinch of salt:lmao:

Seriously though - the brine will contain some blood and other fluids so you might want to consider this before re-using it. In other words it isn't just water that's extracted from the beef.

Given the low cost of salt, I don't see much advantage in keeping the brine considering the bother of storing it.

Hi Harry,

It's not just the common salt I am bothered about it the curing salt (including a salt peter substitute) I added which I had to get mail order, sugar (organic un refined cane), herbs and spices. But mainly the curing salt, it was not cheap once the pnp was added, to say the least.

And Daveyc that was what I was thinking although I would not store the meat in the brine it would get way to salty after a week but to say, have a rolling batch e.g. after 5 day (its a relitivey small joint of brisket) take it out and put the next in, soak in clean fresh water for 24 hour with a change of water, boil then I have a five days to eat it till the next batch it ready. Did I say I am a meat-a-holic ;)


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