There always seems to be a reflector oven mentioned in the cooking section of American outdoor books. And I have always been fascinated by the idea. So about 3 months aga I made one from wood and Aluminium foil. It was a great success. But ended up a bit burnt round the edges. The mark 2 version was made using 4 cheapo £1 baking sheets, a dark non stick baking sheet and wire to join the sheets. A search should give you the idea. Then we used it last night and cooked bannock and sausages. It is an excellent cooking method. As soon as the fire is lit you can start cooking, no need to worry about getting a bed of coals.
We (Explorers and I) got the fire going, the kettle on and started cooking bannock. In the time the water boiled and the tea made, the bannock was cooked, then served. Tea and Bannock, excellent.
I do recommend you try it.
Somebody elses oven
Mine is similar (Theres no no pictures.)
We (Explorers and I) got the fire going, the kettle on and started cooking bannock. In the time the water boiled and the tea made, the bannock was cooked, then served. Tea and Bannock, excellent.
I do recommend you try it.
Somebody elses oven
Mine is similar (Theres no no pictures.)