Razor clams


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 28, 2014
Taste a lot like scallops, my preferred method to cook them is to boil them in the shells in sea water but they are also really good done (albeit a bit chewy) in the shells in the embers of a fire, scrape your embers aside lay them in rows and scrape back the embers over the top, any more than ten minutes and they are like chewing a fishy innertube.

One of the best foragables on the shoreline at low tide by a long margin, best part is that they are all edible meat with no major disgusting parts that need discarded
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 28, 2014

How long do you boil them for?

when your water is boiling drop them in alive and within 10-20 seconds they will open, cook then for around 5-6 minutes, any that don't open throw away, remove from the water and allow to cool enough to touch them so you can pull the flesh away from shell and remove the dark tipped end along the frilly gill bit and cut the brown thin stomach away that runs along the length and throw it away and you are good to go, i've just eaten a big cheese salad but feeling hungry now, doesn't help one bit that i know i have a big bag of frozen scallops in the freezer and a fresh lemon in the fridge

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
There's a really good fish shop in the city that I always visit.
Mussels being a favorite, this recipe should work well with any shellfish

Sweat 2 tbs crushed garlic & 2 tbs butter in a pot.
Add 1/2C dice onion & red & green pepper strips.
Maybe some S&P.
Add 1C white wine and heat to a slow boil.
Add 3 dozen mussels and spread them around, lid on the pot for 10 minutes.
Need some good bread for dunking in the juice, and at least one more glass of wine.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 28, 2014
this recipe should work well with any shellfish

Sweat 2 tbs crushed garlic & 2 tbs butter in a pot.
Add 1/2C dice onion & red & green pepper strips.
Maybe some S&P.
Add 1C white wine and heat to a slow boil.
Add 3 dozen mussels and spread them around, lid on the pot for 10 minutes.
Need some good bread for dunking in the juice, and at least one more glass of wine.

Sounds good and simple enough that you could easily take all the ingredients and a small stove n cooking pot with you when foraging and cook it on the shore

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
GGTBod: Well, do it. Annoy me no end, force me to drive to the coast (8+hrs). I'll take the fixings.

The guts of the recipe is a late-night rip-off from a chef in a restaurant, a 1,000mile treat for a former server-girl.
Now while it's a fact that dear Melissa still has the most magnificent mussels, this was meant for more traditional table fare.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 28, 2014
it's if they don't open when you cook them that they need binned


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 28, 2014
Sorry my confusion, I think you're right then they sound like they are dead, how long since they were collected?
If they are opened then they are not good for consumption; it does not mean that you will be hurt for sure but if the possibility exist it is better to avoid it.
I ate these "guys" even when opened sometimes but I suppose I was lucky enough :)
The recipes given by the boys are great though so I will try them too; in any case the wine is the one that makes the difference ;)

All the best,
Aug 4, 2013
I bought them yesterday from an extremely reputable fishmonger - they were closed with just the foot hanging out. Overnight in a very cold fridge they have opened right out.
Dec 6, 2013
Not as easy if you are buying them from a fish monger but if you collect your own they will survive for a couple of days in a bucket of sea water with a small air pump and air stone. Like Mackerel though they are always better straight from the sea/beach.



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 28, 2014
I've only ever eaten my shellfish straight from the beach so I have no experience to share regarding eating them any other way


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