Ray Mears' World of Survival

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Sep 21, 2006
****WITHDRAWN***** 2003 Edition (see picture), excellent condition, dust jacket intact. Took me ages to find this but now it has to go......

Asking £50 including p&p.



Sep 21, 2006
It's an out of print book that some would deem as 'collectable'. It's 'worth' will be whatever a collector, or someone who wants to own it, is prepared to pay for it.

Before deciding to pillory me please bear in mind that you neither know what I paid for it nor indeed my reason for parting with it.

As has been stated in many threads previously for many items, if you don't agree with the price I have asked, please do not feel obliged to buy it.


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
I knew this was gonna happen, but I was hoping it wouldn't. If the seller wishes to ask for a million pounds for it, it is his right and entitlement. To publicly question him on his sales thread is very rude. If you don't want to spend that much on his book, then don't. Nobody is forcing you to, if the book doesn't sell than whose problem is that?

If you wish to question this persons' motive for selling this hard to find book or if you wish to question his pricing, it may be worth dropping him a PM.


Sep 21, 2006
Thanks to Spamel and Decorum for their comments - much appreciated and I agree that questioning a seller over price etc should be done via pm - as I think it states in the sticky regarding classifieds.

Anyhoo, I'm withdrawing the book from sale; I'll hang on to it.

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Thanks to Spamel and Decorum for their comments - much appreciated and I agree that questioning a seller over price etc should be done via pm - as I think it states in the sticky regarding classifieds.

Anyhoo, I'm withdrawing the book from sale; I'll hang on to it.

Like decorum, I do not have any wish to purchase the book either but looking at decs link you weren't being unreasonable with your asking price at all.

it seems a bit of a pity that you've withdrawn it as, to me at least, it would appear that by offering it on here you were actually giving bcuk members "first refusal"

never mind, keep hold of it slamdunk and I hope it's value continues to grow.



Jan 15, 2006
Tain Scotland
I had that book I gave it away, its not his best ps I have seen this in a book shop for five pounds not that long ago and it was brand new


Nov 29, 2007
It's an out of print book that some would deem as 'collectable'. It's 'worth' will be whatever a collector, or someone who wants to own it, is prepared to pay for it.

Before deciding to pillory me please bear in mind that you neither know what I paid for it nor indeed my reason for parting with it.

As has been stated in many threads previously for many items, if you don't agree with the price I have asked, please do not feel obliged to buy it.

I did not pillory you. I wasn't planning to buy it. I did not say the price was too high, I only asked as it seemed alot for a book. I wanted to know more about the reason, which you now tell me is it's out of print. A brief search of google turned up millions of results, not of the exact same book however. For all I knew, you could have mistyped the price.

I commented politely in the thread, as stated in the rules.
4. If the buyers think the prices are a bit high they can comment politely in the thread or via PM to the seller.

I do not believe I was "very rude". However this is a matter of opinion. Enjoy the book, and bushcraft in general. Thanks for the explanation.


Sep 21, 2006
I did not pillory you. I wasn't planning to buy it. I did not say the price was too high, I only asked as it seemed alot for a book. I wanted to know more about the reason, which you now tell me is it's out of print. A brief search of google turned up millions of results, not of the exact same book however. For all I knew, you could have mistyped the price.

I commented politely in the thread, as stated in the rules.
4. If the buyers think the prices are a bit high they can comment politely in the thread or via PM to the seller.

I do not believe I was "very rude". However this is a matter of opinion. Enjoy the book, and bushcraft in general. Thanks for the explanation.

Which is why I said, "before you pillory me".

A google search showing millions of results, but "not the same book"; Meaningful comparison has to be between the same books surely? i.e Bushcraft Survival is a readily available book and therefore doesn't command a high price, a Ford isn't a Bentley etc

I never said you were "very rude" but the downfall of the written word is that it lacks 'tone' and this can therefore be misinterpreted. Other threads have deteriorated into criticism and slanging and i did not, and do not, feel that my advert deserved that. If I misinterpreted your tone then I apologise, a search for this book on Amazon will show that I was actually happy to sell it to a BCUK member below what can be charged.

As it is, it will stay in my collection; I have taken no offence.

Life goes on with far more important matters :)


Nov 29, 2007
Yes, you didn't say I was very rude, but other poster did. Apologies for not making this clear. I didn't think of amazon I must admit. My tone was not intended to suggest you were overcharging, just that it seemed a high price for a book, and I wondered why. Now I know, it seems justified.

"Life goes on with far more important matters."

True. Thanks for the explantation.


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