Ray Mears DVD's


Full Member
Jun 14, 2006
Wondering Wizard, UK
Belarus (my fav)
Rodgers Rangers (2nd fav)
New Zealand

if u want the mini write ups to, can do but hope this helps


May 16, 2006
North Yorkshire
jon r said:
I've got series 1 & 2 but i am confused about series three. I'm wondering if i've managed to miss a whole series! :( Can someone tell me what series 3 includes so i know if i have seen it before. :)

Series 3 were longer episodes, about an hour

Ray travelsto Belarus to meet with some of the surviving partisans of the second world war. For the jewish partisans, the forests of Belarus became a sanctuary and weapon in their fight against oppression.

Roger's Rangers:
Journey to New England and follow in the footsteps of Major Robert Rodgers and his rangers. Ray tells the epic story of the rangers withdrawl during which they fought off both the pusuing enamy and starvation as the seasons changed rapidly from Autum to winter.

In January 1910. The steamship Farallon ran aground. Ray tells the compelling story of this shipwreck, of the hardships endured by the crew and the courage they showed whilst sheltering from the harsh conditions

This arid coastal area. Known as the Skeleton coast, is one of the most inhospitable environments in which to survive. Meet with the indigenous bushmen and encounter tales of shipwrecks, rescues and tracking.

From the comfort of a jungle base camp. Ray tells the story of survival during the Vietnam war and meets the first ASAF pilot shot down during the conflict.

New Zealand:
Ray visits several Maori tribes. Encounters tales of survival and hardships, and learns of the many skills which are now being used to encourage the young to develop a more positive attitude to life.

Hope that helps :D
Nov 29, 2004
jon r said:
I've got series 1 & 2 but i am confused about series three. I'm wondering if i've managed to miss a whole series! :( Can someone tell me what series 3 includes so i know if i have seen it before. :)

I posted this list on another thread somewhere, hope it helps.

World of Survival - DVD not published
• Heart of the Rift - Tanzania
The Hadza
• The Land of Genghis Khan - Mongolia
• Headwaters of the Orinoco - Venezuela
The Sanema
• The Coromandel Coast - India
• The Barren Lands - Canada
The Innu
Caribou hunt
Tanning a hide
• The Red Centre - Australia
Pitjantjatjara Lands
The songlines.
• The Arctic
Build an igloo
• Arnhemland - Austrailia
• Siberia
The Evenk
• Savaii - Western Samoa
Water from coconuts
Underwater catapults
• Namibia
The Jo'hansi Bushmen
• The Spice Islands - Indonesia
Rainforest traps
Bamboo pots and nets.

Extreme Survival Series 1&2 - Disc 1
• Jungle Survival - Costa Rica
Escaped WW2 prisoners cope with the Jungle
Tropical Medicine Expert
• Arctic Survival - Lapland
Swedish Army Survival Instructors Course
Lars Falt
• The Psychology of Survival
• Sea Survival
• The Arizona Desert
Geronimos trek
• Arnhemland
Downed aircrew
• Skill Sets - Fire & Rescue Signaling
Burning Tyre
Desert Signal Fire
The Fiddle
Fire By Chemicals
Arctic Fire
Sotol Hand Drill
Mirror Signaling
Arctic Signal Fire
• Skill Sets - Water
Water From Frozen
MWP Water Pump
Boiling Water
Water Indicators

Extreme Survival Series 1&2 - Disc 2
• The Sahara Desert
Desert Driving
• The Rocky Mountains
• Outback Survival
• Military Survival
• Mountain Survival - Alps
• Desert Island Survival
• Skill Sets - Survival Tips
Desert Driving
Desert Hiking
Outback Driving Preparation
EPIRB Rescue
Basic Sea Navigation
Solar Still
Improvised Fishing Tools
• Skill Sets - Shelter
Desert Shelter
Spruce Shelter
Snow Cave
Lean-to Shelter

Extreme Survival Series 3 - Disc 1
• Belarus
• Rogers Rangers
• Alaska
• Extras - Skill Sets - Fire Lighting
Morning Embers
Flint & Steel (Charcloth)
Fire Plough
Hand Drill
Flint & Steel (Fungi)
Fire By Friction
• Extras - Skill Sets - Bushcraft Tools
Bow Saw
Russian Oil (Birch Tar)
Bamboo Table & Benches
Fish Hook
Raft Building
• Extras - Photo Gallery

Extreme Survival Series 3 - Disc 2
• Namibia
• Thailand
• New Zealand
• Extras - Skill Sets - Wild Foods & Useful Plants
Jungle Matchbox Bean, Soap & Cooking
Cat Tail
Ant Larvae
White Mussels
Kelp Mussels
Kelp Cooking Bags
• Extras - Skill Sets - Natural Shelter
Birch Bark Shelter
Thatched Shelter
Whale Bone Shelter
• Extras - Photo Gallery

Bushcraft Survival Series 1 - Disc 1
• Aboriginal Britain
• Jungle Camp
• Jungle Trek

Bushcraft Survival Series 1 - Disc 2
• Africa Camp
• Africa Safari
• Extras
Sharpening a knife in the field
Sharpening a knife at camp
How to handle a knife
Cutting with a knife
Making cord from nettles
The cheetah kill

Bushcraft Survival Series 2 - Disc 1
• Birch Bark Canoe
• Canoe Journey
• America

Bushcraft Survival Series 2 - Disc 2
• Sweden
• Four Seasons
• Extras
Sharpening an axe at camp
Looking after you axe
choosing and using an axe
Splitting wood with a saw
How to light a fire
Safe water
The birch bark canoe
Making a container from birch bark
Making a matchbox from birch bark
Making a container from cedar
Making a container from ash bark
Snakes of lowland heaths of Britain
Nov 29, 2004
Spacemonkey said:
Phew! Got the lot then. ;) You forgot the Real Heroes Of Telemark- 3 1 hour episodes if memory serves. Got that too...

Yep, I have them on my skybox, just haven't found the time to watch them yet, but I'd better get round to it soon as I'm off on the woodlore course of the same name in February :)


Mar 6, 2006
Kent UK
sandbender said:
Bushcraft Survival Series 1 - Disc 2
• Extras
Sharpening a knife in the field
Sharpening a knife at camp
How to handle a knife
Cutting with a knife
Making cord from nettles
The cheetah kill

Bushcraft Survival Series 2 - Disc 2
• Extras
Sharpening an axe at camp
Looking after you axe
choosing and using an axe
Splitting wood with a saw
How to light a fire
Safe water
The birch bark canoe
Making a container from birch bark
Making a matchbox from birch bark
Making a container from cedar
Making a container from ash bark
Snakes of lowland heaths of Britain

They are worth it for these bits alone. Fantastic stuff, he makes it look so easy.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.