Rarest animal you have seen out

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Kingfishers (middleton in Teesdale)
Red squirell (lake district)
Black bears (x4) (canada)
Otter (barnard Castle)
Its quite psossible I have seen rare species without knowing as my awareness of animal life is somewhat limited :o :lmao:
I saw Rock Wallabies whilst climbing in the Snowy Mountains (Victoria, Australia) - very rare (though I was actually there to find out how many there were any left in the wild, so it was a good thing we found some).

Lucky enough to track and see Lynx on a frozen lake in Slovenia last winter. Great wildlife/bushcraft country; lots of wilderness, mountains, lakes, rivers, bear, boar, deer, wolf etc. oh and really lovely people.:)

"I’m living so far beyond my income that we may almost be said to be living apart."
- E E Cummings
I would really love to see a woolly mammoth, roaming these mountains once again. Maybe one day, with genetic engineering.
what did the mole taste like seen loads never thought of eating one though I may view them in a different light if their tasty

I honestly cant remember mate was young , like all meat i suppose tasted the same wasnt "hmmm delicious!" neither was it nasty, i think....
Perhaps not rare but unusual.

Last year, whilst driving through the village where I live, I saw what I thought was a pile of horse poo in the middle of the road. Nothing unusual there you may think. Suddenly the pile untangles itself and three weasels scamper one way across the road, the fourth goes the other way.
By this time I'm out of the vehicle and watching this fourth fellow who darts down a couple of mouse runs and finally picks up the scent of his siblings and dissapears into a bramble thicket.

I can't say for sure what the rarest animal I've seen is - it was one of those unprovable sightings. It was at night in a town centre and was an animal about 2 feet long and quite low to the ground. Perhaps similar size to a very big town cat but it moved completely differently.
Of the animals I'm sure about I think a weasel was one of the highlights - I saw it not far from a town centre in a ditch.
I saw a fair variety of odd things when I was on holiday in the USA - turtles and chipmunks which were all pretty cool. I've seen a sand lizard on a beach (I think it was in Norfolk?) and badgers and red deer up north of the border. In theory there are moose, bear, lynx, beaver and wolves and bison still wild in Poland - just not near where I live.
Kingfishers where I used to work on an estate
Arctic Hare Derbyshire
Moose, Artic fox Norway.
Had a good day today seen 3 Fallow deer, I was walking along a path close into the side and the 2 ladies and one lad walked out about 50yds away. They didn't see me at all even though they looked my way and they carried on into the forest. Never seen any so close enjoyed it. I then seen a few raptors over the Plymbridge valley then as I was walking along the old train track to the car I seen what I think is a Buzzard. Grey brown on top and creamy white underneath sat in a tree watching the world go by. Never seen one that close up. Not a bad take for the day, didn't bring a camera so I'm cursing myself.
Great thread this one, strangest animal I have ever seen was a half Tasmanian Devil, half Possum, was definately a Tassie Devil with a black face but had a fluffy grey body and a big bushy tail. I have been told by local wildlife rangers that it may well be some sort of crossbreed that may be immune to the Tassie Devil facial tumour disease
rare not by species but location, some animals are now taking up residence in unusual locations like in the cities, i saw a very pleasant sight of an otter early one morning at Kingsbury Water Park near Birmingham, a Peregrine in Birmingham city centre, Great Crested Newts in an old pond near Harborne Birmingham, in an age when people want to flee the cities wildlife is doing the opposite and moving into them, Muntjac deer have now moved right into the cities and deer in general have become very common, when i was a lad over forty years ago i only saw Buzzards when i was taken to Wales but now they are incredibly common and i have seen them at Sandwell Valley in West Bromwich, also a Kingfisher on the River Thame at Sandwell Valley as well as Grey Partridge in same location, the reverse to this is that in the countryside some aniimals are now sadly seen less often, hares are less abundant and while red-legged partiridge are everywhere the native grey partridge has become a scarce sight, where i live the lapwing has become less common as well as the skylark, it used to be a joy listening to the skylark singing and trying to spot it in the sky, it's a rare sight and sound now sadly.
I think the rarest I have seen is a white buzzard. It was a full adult bird so I do not think it was albino.


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