Quinze Building

Just spent the last couple of hours out the back piling snow up to form a quinze. Its amazing how much snow compacts! Luckily the snow was a bout a foot deep so didn't have to go too far for snow.

Going to dig the rest out tomorrow so here are a couple of photos of it in progress....

I am a little worried that it may collapse when I am digging inside, is this likely?

Sadly I doubt I will get the chance to sleep out in it unless it can last til next weekend.

Quinze 1 by pandabean2010, on Flickr

Quinze 2 by pandabean2010, on Flickr

It stands about 1.5m high.

Quinze 3 by pandabean2010, on Flickr


Need to contact Admin...
Mar 12, 2010
Moray, Scotland
I don't know if it will collapse. I am looking forward to you posting pics when you dig in.
Is it about 6 feet across ?.



Aug 31, 2009
South Shields
Funny you should mention this! I've been out the back all day knocking my own quinze up too!!
I also built one last year, and I was fine excavating it, it's just HARD work!!!
Rewarding afterwards tho, just keep at it :)
Sorry Cal missed your post for some reason.....maybe time I got glasses? :) its about that....hopefully, if not we still have the rest of winter to go so I can build another one. :)

I was reading around the net and there seems to be two groups about building one of these, one says that you should compact it as you go and the other says you pile it on loose and after a few hours it refreezes. Is there any differences between the two other than compacting it being alot more work?
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Dec 10, 2009
leave it overnight to go through a freeze thaw cycle and it'll be as solid as you like bonds all the flakes together
Right, back to work today....left it overnight to freeze over and had another dusting of snow as you can see from the pictures. So started about 10ish after clearing the driveway first and finished about 1.

DM - I now know what you mean, its very hard work, but once you are inside and have enough room to move its reasonably ok.

Learned a few things while building it....
- Need new gloves, the current ones got sodden after half an hour of digging
- Berghaus Aquafoil waterproofs are still excellent, kneeling down, lying down and sitting down and my trousers underneath were still dry!
- Try not to pass wind inside unless you have ventilation!
- Need a second person to help clear the snow inside, bit of a pain getting in and out every 10mins to clear what has just been dug.
- and the structure never collapsed as expected.

Inside the shelter it certainly keeps the wind off, there is enough room to sit up in (depending on where you sit) and it can sleep one person, two at a very push.

So here is the start of the entrance after sticking some sticks in and around the shelter....

A little while later...

Almost there...

Not much to see.

What you can't see too well is a cold sink where the small shovel is, its about 2-3 inches deep at the most and the bed at the back is raised up.

Trying it out for size... I can just fit on the bed and Im about 5ft 7"

Inside looking out..


Aug 31, 2009
South Shields
Looks great!! Much better than my effort. Mine is more like a snow douvet - my feet pop out the bottom :rolleyes:

I was using the excavation technique of pushing my spade in at 2 sides, then the top, then at the bottom to pull out a 'snow cube'.
But then found, that my feet work just as well - by kicking away the snow, and scoopin it out :p

Suppose i could use it in an emergency:



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 8, 2006
Good work guys, The one I made we compacted and let it freeze over night, but it was a big one and we wanted to make sure it stayed put, as more snow fell onto it and we slept in it for two nights. If you do, remember the ventilation hole and a candle.
They are very nice to sleep in as the temperature is constant, so as long as your sleeping bag is comfortable at that rating, go for it! :)


Need to contact Admin...
Mar 12, 2010
Moray, Scotland
Well done Panda, Looks good.
Great to see it finished, If the snow keeps up I may be tempted to try making one as the idea would never have occured to me till I saw your post.

DM, I found that cutting the snow from the left and then prying from the right worked well. Yours looks pretty good as well, are you going to stay out in it?

Addo, Are they quite comfy to sleep in?

Cal, you should go ahed, alot of work involved but rewarding afterwards. :) Post some pics if you do go ahead with it.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
One trick for getting the snow out: use a closed cell foam pad. Dump snow on top of it, pull it out and empty. Also to lie on when digging. I use the Rotefella shovel, and the curved shape is great for excavating.

I know people who make special "digging mittens". Basically an elbow-lenght overmitten in something waterproof. Also, making sure your anorak hood is tied on tight helps.


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