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An update on mine...


Nice shirt. :)
Thanks, normally a bit outside my budget tbh, but worth every penny in this case I think.

Lol this was at my mothers house a few years back! sadly the bbq'd food did not look quite as good! ;)
Me last week before I broke my leg, with the new Hudson Bay 3.5 point blanket and frost river isle royale pack (technically Christmas presents :)):


And me after I broke my leg two days before a 3 night trip!



That's some generous chrimbo presents mate.

Not so good news about the broken leg how did you manage that?
Hope it heals up well....
That's some generous chrimbo presents mate.

Not so good news about the broken leg how did you manage that?
Hope it heals up well....

Certainly am a lucky lad :).

It was a good natured tackle gone wrong in a PE football match, a shame really as footballs not my thing but as it was in school I was having a game and then bang I've snapped my tibia 2 days before a 3 night trip!
:lmao: that's what my my mam said!

And you must be right John, we played rugby In PE for about 2 months a year back and I didn't get injured!
:lmao: that's what my my mam said!

And you must be right John, we played rugby In PE for about 2 months a year back and I didn't get injured!

Yep - a nice safe game!
All I ever broke playing Rugby were - my neck, my nose, and my ribs!
Never broke either leg!
An up to date picture of me having fun in the woods - making cordage :)071.jpg
That's a great length of cordage you've made there John :)!
I love rugby when the players get battered and just carry on but the footballers fall easy and wait for a stretcher if they have sprained their ankle! I got a hand up and hobbled around just after it happened! Wouldn't fancy a broken neck though :)!
That's a great length of cordage you've made there John :)!
I love rugby when the players get battered and just carry on but the footballers fall easy and wait for a stretcher if they have sprained their ankle! I got a hand up and hobbled around just after it happened! Wouldn't fancy a broken neck though :)!

The cordage is brambles stripped of their leaves and thorns then braided.
I never noticed the broken neck at the time - it was picked up in a non related X-ray some 10 years later ... a flake knocked of one of the vertebrae and safely fused ... but out of position! It could have been interesting if I had moved wrongly at the time though!
Got dead bored and started looking at photos from the summer, here another one :):

I look really serious but I don't know why? :rolleyes: :confused:

It was at a camp with little kit me and my dad did back in the summer, with a survival bag for a tarp, built our own structure, don't worry, we left no trace :).
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