Pine woods challange

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Feb 27, 2008
My main wood is mixed broadleaf so I wanted to get away and spend some time in pinewoods for a new challenge and brush up on skills.

Untitled by Arborvita Online, on Flickr
Bag packed and ready to roll. Always so excited to be getting away.

Untitled by Arborvita Online, on Flickr
They found this when doing some excavating on a country estate if I remember rightly. They had used it for target practice. Either way it's a magnificent specimen. If a little too excited!

Untitled by Arborvita Online, on Flickr
I feel refreshed and relaxed already. The smell of the pine is like coming home to an old friend. I have barely walked 5 minutes and see 2 Red deer does. They are huge. Much bigger than fallow deer.

Untitled by Arborvita Online, on Flickr
I remember now why I love bushcraft and love getting outdoors. This is great!

Untitled by Arborvita Online, on Flickr
Tarp repairs to start. I had been using the tarp over some excitable fires and it had took damage with burn holes. Tenacious tape is great at patching tarps and tents: Sadly I see lots of fine burn holes so the tarp may be too far gone to be useful in the future. Thinking canvas tarp upgrade maybe? Out of my budget for the moment. And where did I leave the ridgeline cord?

Untitled by Arborvita Online, on Flickr
Lets get onto the real mission. To produce successful bowdrill fire. I can do that at my woods using willow, but to hone my skills I need to be able to do that elsewhere. Most of the vids on Youtube are in pine woods and they make it look easy so I wanted to have a go.

Firstly find some dead standing branch, ideally with the bark falling off. This means its dried really well. Avoid anything that is so dried it has splits in it. Shave a bit with your knife. You are looking for it to shave like butter. Being able to scratch your finger into it. I had to do a fair bit of searching to find the perfect specimens. A perfectly straight branch not too wide. Will require minimal carving.

Untitled by Arborvita Online, on Flickr
Making the hearth board and spindle from the same wood takes out a lot of variables and increased chances of success.

Untitled by Arborvita Online, on Flickr
Hearth board doesn't need to be beautiful. Think save those calories for the work later on.

Untitled by Arborvita Online, on Flickr
Hearth board and spindle completed. Getting the materials right, cuts down your workload massively. As I sat there quietly whittling, a muntjac deer strolled passed within 20 feet. Didn't even notice me. I sat there and took a moment watching it. A beautiful experience. Sometimes sitting and being quiet opens up the wildlife.

Untitled by Arborvita Online, on Flickr
Found some dead mans finger fungus. Inedible. Seen them before. Pretty cool to look at. I really enjoyed the shade of the canopy. It was so much cooler than being in the sun.

Untitled by Arborvita Online, on Flickr
Also found flint that may have been worked previously. Looks ideal for scraping bark off arrows.

Untitled by Arborvita Online, on Flickr
Hearth board burred in, spindle ready, bearing block greased with suncream. Lets rock and roll!

Untitled by Arborvita Online, on Flickr
Success! After quite a few hours reshaping, cutting, adjusting, improving etc I finally nailed it! That is a big fat cherry! At one point even my shoelace on the bow snapped. The odds were stacking up against me.

Untitled by Arborvita Online, on Flickr
I used the carved shaving wood from making the drill set and blew the ember to a flame.

I let it burn through then gave it a heavy soaking with water to ensure everything was cold. Pine woods especially this time of year are very dry and fires can spread easily and quickly. I kept the fire small just to test that I could do the whole process successfully. I am very experienced with fires and confident with my skills. If you don't know what you are doing or don't have experience. Do not try this, especially in summer.

I am really happy to have improved my skill set. I now know that I can successfully make fire in pine woods as well as broadleaf. The UK is brilliant for diverse climates and terrain to practice on. But most of all, I really had a great day and thoroughly enjoyed myself. That's what Bushcraft is all about.

I returned the area back to nature. Leave no trace.
nice post, great pics. Love reading and seeing trips of others and how they accomplish their goals.
Now that you can make a bowdrillset with pine your also safe in Scandinavian winter-settings :) Pine there is dry to the bone, just some more resin which can make things a bit harder.

Great report Leigh nice pics as well never seen dead mans fingers before?! I need to get out more....

Sent from somewhere?


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