Paleo kit for "bushcraft"? What would you pack?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
What would be the paleolithical level kit you would choose if you had to spend a week out in the bush?

We all know about Ötzi, but he proably had less kit than he would have prefered (and more arrows in his back than he would have preferred). But if you had to do your next weeklong trip (be it fixed camp of mobile) with just paleolithical level kit, what would you pick?


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Dry tinder ! :D

Seriously, a flint nodule and a bit of antler. That's the 'Swiss army knife' toolkit sorted.
Tinder fungus and some birch bark, some pitch glue rolled up in some more of it, and a ball of limebast cordage. If I fished I'd probably prefer willowbast since it's stronger wet, but I don't so I'll go for strength elsewhere.
A digging stick; my old one is of apple wood and the new one is bog oak.


Ogri the trog

Apr 29, 2005
Mid Wales UK
We all know about Ötzi, but he proably had less kit than he would have prefered ....... what would you pick?

I'm not so sure he had less than he prefered - about the only kit he is deficient of by modern standards would be a cooking vessel / water container and possibly a staff of some kind - otherwise, I reckon he was quite well provisioned. His level of skill and knowledge would have been streets ahead of the best of todays "Survival Instructors".

Taking his kit "as is" would mean a few days of hardship as you got various important factors sorted out and fire would be of ultra importance - but I reckon it could be done.

Ogri the trog


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Taking "here and now" (Jämtland in July) as my starting point my list would be along the lines of this.

Clothes: moccasins leggins, loin-cloth, long sleeved shirt all in buckskin. Some sort of headgear, not so much for the cold as for the mosquitos (perhaps a buckskin "hood" as was recorded in some NA native populations). I love Ötzis belt, so defintiely a copy of that one.

Some sort of warm "blanket" for nights would be nice; either from grass or a fur-on hide.

Around here there is zilch knappable rocks FAIAK, so a combination of slalte and bone tools, and maybe a celt from something, but not essential. Knappable rock -- and skills I don't have -- would be wonderfull. Of course, these days one could always find old bottles...

Fire; a good cord for a bowdrill, and an astralagus bone. A full bowdrill set would be even nicer...

Miscellanious stuff like glue stick, bone needle, etc could come in handy.

A packbasket and tumpline

I hardly ever get anything on hooks, so some snares, a rabbit stick or a bow and arrow would come in handy for feeding myself. Building firsh traps is handy if living in a fixed camp.

A birch bark basked for cooking in would be a luxuary.

I must get the last bits that are missing in this list sorted, and try it next summer.


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