Packable cloth stretchers?

Beer Monster

Need to contact Admin...
Aug 25, 2004
With the gnu!
Hello all. Has anyone got or used one of the following packable cloth stretchers?:-

Poc-kit stretcher see here.

Lightweight stretcher by Vanguard see here

I know that a poncho can be used in a pinch but for various reasons I need a dedicated "stretcher" that I can carry with me.

Hope you can help.



Full Member
can I ask why?

Those fabric sort are not much good for anything other than a quick grab and run a short distance - the dsort where the ambulance/MRt etc would just walk in. They are difficult and hard work to carry anyone in them.

Plus as they offer no support there is a serious potential for doing more harm especialy for spinal, pelvic, bones puncting blood vessles or hypothermia.

Beer Monster

Need to contact Admin...
Aug 25, 2004
With the gnu!
Yup that's basically what I need it for.

I (or rather we) need to be able to get a incapacitated person out of a dangerous area as rapidly as possible - or people I am with might potentially have to do it under my instruction depending on the situation.

Distance shouldn't be too far before a vehicle can reach us - its just the first 10 - 15 minutes to get out of dodge. Unfortunately in this situation getting the person out quick is paramount - if they are left where they are they will sustain more injury.

I've used the British Army issue one on numerous occasions - and as you said they never last very long - I got carried up a hill in Brecon on one and it lasted all of 2 minutes before it tore and I fell out?!

Vehicle has a proper stretcher on board etc.

As with all these situations hopefully they will never occur but I feel (for insurance reasons amongst others) I need something that has been "designed as a stretcher" - but at the same time it has to be small enough to carry (along with water, radio, first aid kit etc etc) in a small backpack.

I'm open to suggestions if there is something more suitable out there .....


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