Overnighter in Perthshire/Fife


Nov 12, 2012
Hello folks I just thought I would share a few pics of my overnighter in Pitmeden forest at the weekend.
This was my first time using a hammock and my first time camping in temperatures as low as this (down to -2 according to the temperature app on my phone so I am not claiming it is accurate)

We set off from Perth at around 12:30 and began what for me turned out to be a really tough 7 miles (the furthest I have walked in 3 years is to the car from my front door lol )
we arrived at the woods at around 4:30pm and it was rapidly becoming dark, after a real struggle up the hill ( for me at least ) an isolated and suitable spot was found to fit the three hammocks and a tent.
A fire was quickly set up which raised my spirits a little, tea consisting of rice aux peperami was made on my coke can alcohol stove and I was treated to a cup of warmed mulled wine which appeared from one of the members of our party :D

The evening consisted of the usual gathering of firewood, and having a good blether round the campfire.
Around 11:00pm I decided bed would be a good idea, 3:33am was the time for the inevitable late night loo break :eek: the skies were clear and the forest was lit perfectly by moonlight.
The sounds of activity in the camp around 9:30am woke me up and looking out from my hammock I was greeted but a beautiful campfire and some boiling water for coffee :D
After breakfast three of us decided to climb to the top of the hill while one stayed to keep the fire burning (he had already been to the top when he got up)
we sat for about an hour admiring the view, soaking up the sun and sword fighting with my walking poles as you do :rolleyes:


View from the top :)


We returned to the campsite to discover in our absence we had been visited by Fife constabulary :yikes:
apparently there had been reports of smoke coming from the hillside and he was sent to investigate, must have been a slow day for them :p

My first attempt to set up a hammock and tarp :D


Happy campers:


we had lunch and packed everything away returning the site to nature, and left on the way back to civilisation (A little later than planned)

looking back to our home for the night:


We decided to take a slight detour along the edge of some fields to avoid the A912 as we didn't fancy walking along the roadside in the fast approaching darkness.
A quick stop at Bridge of Earn for a bar of chocolate and a drink before the last (and longest climb of the day) we arrived at Perth around 5:00pm ish and I was so happy to see the car.

Altogether an enjoyable experience but it has taken my legs until now (four days later) to recover :yikes: I look forward to our next trip but might have to walk a little less till I get used to carrying a pack.

Thanks for reading and I will try to take more photos and do less typing for the next trip :p



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 15, 2010
NE Scotland
Looks like you had lovely clear weather. Hope the hammocking sticks for you, I don't see any underquilts for the hammocks. That's going to be my next thing as it'll help with colder weather - not that I get out much in the cold weather these days.


Nov 12, 2012
inbetween the layers of the hammock I have two car window protectors from Lidl cost about 3 quid each, they are all shiny and reflective :) and I also had a Multimat ccf mat with reflective foil stuff on it in there as well, :)
the other guys use similar things in their hammocks.
I was toying with the idea of using/altering an old sleeping bag for an underquilt but found the set up I had to be very toasty and comfortable to sleep/sit in.
I bought the hammock/bivvy from DD as I wasn't sure I would enjoy sleeping hanging from trees and wanted the option of using it as a tent which would be lighter than my current tent which is about 3Kg :D


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 15, 2010
NE Scotland
The weight is what put me off tents, however try getting into a bivi bag when it's raining without getting wet, spending and entire night in it then getting up and out in the rain - not much fun, especially if that's for days. So the answer for me [so far] has been a large tarp, but then you've got to have something to string it up on.

Still atlest you've had fun and got out there which is more than most do at this time of year.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Nice one :)

I wondered about those window protectors a fortnight ago when they had them in for sale. Wish I'd picked one up now after all.

Thanks for the photos and virtual overnighter :cool:



Nov 12, 2012
The area was really nice, when I was younger I did most of my camping up north around the Glen Clova/Prosen area and perhaps a little around Braemar and I have never thought of camping more locally.
I did find the set up lighter than my tent but it did seem a little more bulky but perhaps that was me just being a little over cautious, I brought walking poles to use as tent poles if the need arose :D
Apparently the view from the other side of the hill was nice too (all the way from Perth to Dundee) but we managed to end up on the wrong side of the hill :p
My local lidls keeps the window things in stock throughout the winter, they are not a perfect fit but they do the job and are a little cheaper than the ones sold specifically for camping :)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.