Out on Ullswater for the weekend

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Well ok, maybe not a full weekend but a cracking day on the water and a nice campsite too.

We headed for Side Farm camp site, opposite Glenridding at the bottom end of Ullswater, last Friday afternoon. There was me, my son, my daughter and her boyfriend. It had always been planned as a family weekend although Mrs. Badger stayed home in the sett for this one:rolleyes:

The site is well named; being on the lower slopes of Place Fell and having hardly a single flat pitch anywhere:lmao: rolling or sliding out of bed-it's up to you:D

This is a view of the site from an old quarry, just up the fell a little way. The site is small but the simple facilities are well kept and the hot water is plentiful.
The one issue with the site,is the road in and out; quite badly pot holed from the main road to the farm and then, at least for standard road cars, frankly-rough! it's ok as long as you take your time and pick your route carefully:D I'd use the site again no problem;)
This was where "Das Boot" spent the night

Then after a late breakfast on Saturday morning, it was down the hill and into the water:

This is the first time I have had the opportunity to try "Das Boot" solo and she didn't disappoint:cool:

The weather was atrocious over night , with heavy rain and gales but apart from a few showers during the day, it stayed warm, with a light breeze, gusting occasionally, just enough to add a bit of interest when paddling!

I was caught by the breeze a couple of times and had to "go around":D

then it was time to share the joy:D so me and the young un took off,across to Glenridding

Then we tried three in the boat and if anything, She handled better, obviously due to the ballast effect of the passenger.

Just in case your wondering; the passenger was wearing their B/A under their jacket because of a sudden heavy shower which hit us about half a mile out :umbrella:
Then we had our lunch but could hardly wait to get back on the water:red:
We met up with a handful of Song of The Paddlers on the site and of course, on the water

Er....so..howcome it's not going in the right direction?

All in, we spent a good 5 hours on the water, and we all improved our skills and confidence.
We decided to up sticks about 8pm, rather than spend another night, mainly because we knew we wouldn't have much time to get on the water on Sunday anyway but also because the tents had completely dried out during the day. Of course, halfway through packing up, it honked down, soaking everything again:11doh:
All in all a smashing family outing, well worth the effort and just a taster of canoe exploration to come;)


Life member
Jan 14, 2007
Very nice!

Looks like you had a great time! Thanks for sharing, the pics are really nice.

There's apparently a nice secluded camp spot on Ullswater, here 54°33'25.48"N 2°56'4.78"W (copied from Google Earth), haven't been there but plan to.

Are you on SOTP?



Need to contact Admin...
Jun 27, 2008

not sure what type of camping you want, the location you gave is a great pebble beach with excellent views but on a day with half decent weather the nearby path (40ft away) is very very busy with tourists up to about 9pm.

If you wanted to get away fromt he crowds, just round the corner at 54°33'4.49"N 2°56'20.20"W is a great spot, out of sight from the path and with trees for the hammock dwellers. Has been slightly spoilt by someone having a fire and not clearing it away but i spent a night there a few weeks ago and didn't see a soul until i walked back to the path the next day.


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