Oh, sugar!


Bushcrafter through and through
May 11, 2007
Pontypool, Wales, Uk
I decided that it was about time I sorted through my stores of trail food, since it was getting disorganised and some of it was probably years out of date.

This was a productive exercise, as I managed to sort out two Harvestman Ration Packs (HRPs) and one Luxury Harvestman Ration Pack (LHRP) that I can just pcik up when packing for a longer trip. So far so good.

Then I found the container of demerera sugar, and noticed the lumps in it. Big lumps. Deciding not to open it for fear of introducing moisture, I elected to break up the lumps by shaking it hard. Any fool, except apparently this fool, could have predicted what followed... :nono:

There is now about half a pound of light brown sugar all over my kit stash, mainly my clothing, rucksacks, and miscellaneous kit :slap:

Of course, I hadn't hoovered the room earlier, had I? Of course not. So there isn't sugar all over the nice clean carpet as well, is there?


This is going to take some time to clear up...


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.