Oakenwise.com - A site dedicated to ancient man


Jan 21, 2013
England(Scottish Native)
I apologise if this is not the correct section in which to post this thread, but it seems fitting enough.

Oakenwise.com is a site dedicated to ancient man and the skills upon which they depended to thrive in the natural world. The website is a passion project of mine and have only recently began recruiting writers.

The website could not be more relevant to Bushcraft UK, so I thought I'd share this with you.



Oakenwise.com - Promotional Video - YouTube

The site is still in development, but this is our latest feature: http://www.oakenwise.com/ancient-people/the-peoples-of-scotland/


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Hi Thoaken,

Good to see your site expanding and your promo vid is very good.

On the neanderthal front and them not reaching the UK, there is evidence of them in England. One good bit of reading here LINK

Looking forward to your holiday trip report.

All the best,


Jan 21, 2013
England(Scottish Native)
Hi Thoaken,

Good to see your site expanding and your promo vid is very good.

On the neanderthal front and them not reaching the UK, there is evidence of them in England. One good bit of reading here LINK

Looking forward to your holiday trip report.

All the best,

Thanks, Goatboy, your comments mean a lot to me.

My friend, Francis, is studying ancient history and linguistics at university. He's French-Canadian, with a decent grasp of the English language, but I edited what he wrote for this article. Although I understand quite a fair bit of history myself, I took his word for it on that particular fact and didn't check it.

Only a few more days until I go to the Highlands, my friend.

Thanks again.
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Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
It's cool, there's not a huge amount of evidence left behind, most of their settlements would be under the English channel now due to sea level changes. Enjoy your holiday if we don't speak before.
Mar 15, 2011
on the heather
Hey good luck dudes,sounds like a great idea.
And you can’t go far wrong if you have a Pictish stone on your opining page.
Grantown Stag, Class 1 Pictish Stone perhaps, funny I should know that one, its one of the only two I’ve never seen.
Anyhoo all the best with your new venture.
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Jan 21, 2013
England(Scottish Native)
Hey good luck dudes,sounds like a great idea.
And you can’t go far wrong if you have a Pictish stone on your opining page.
Grantown Stag, Class 1 Pictish Stone perhaps, funny I should know that one its one of the only two I’ve never seen.
Anyhoo all the best with your new venture.
Thanks, friend. Your comments are greatly appreciated.

We've got a few articles coming up, so keep an eye out.


Jan 21, 2013
England(Scottish Native)
The site's either been compromised or Wordpress/my hosting service is just being bad at its job because I can't seem to log in to my control panel...

Edit: Never mind. All is fixed.
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Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Interesting to see how things are evolving with your site and projects THOaken. Just like it must have done with our ancestors as they traded and met new incomers.

The program you referance "Living in the past" was a big influence on my younger days. Didn't have a telly for most of my childhood and used to see certain things at my Grandparents. This was a favourite. I remember wishing that I could be in that experiment. Still I was outside kicking around the countryside so it wasn't so bad. I think living history is a pretty important tool for the archaeologist as it's all very well looking at a tool and expounding that it was used in this way for that but when a thing is used you then find out its limits. In the program there is a segment where the archaeologist is explaining about the strange patch just in from the doorway where in digs the soil is sometimes of a different texture and they didn't know why. In the programs roundhouse this is where the chickens sun and dustbathe - changing the floor. Was also pointed out when a friend of mine Belzeebob23 (who is a member on BBUK) was helping out at a reproduction log boat up at the Crannog Centre on Loch Tay. The way he came up with lashing on the bronze axe heads to the handle surprised the expert as they hadn't thought of it before. But Belzeebob works with ropes and cord a lot and if you need a practicle solution to lashing something down he's very good, through practicle experience.

Hope it all continues to go well,


Jan 21, 2013
England(Scottish Native)
Interesting to see how things are evolving with your site and projects THOaken. Just like it must have done with our ancestors as they traded and met new incomers.

The program you referance "Living in the past" was a big influence on my younger days. Didn't have a telly for most of my childhood and used to see certain things at my Grandparents. This was a favourite. I remember wishing that I could be in that experiment. Still I was outside kicking around the countryside so it wasn't so bad. I think living history is a pretty important tool for the archaeologist as it's all very well looking at a tool and expounding that it was used in this way for that but when a thing is used you then find out its limits. In the program there is a segment where the archaeologist is explaining about the strange patch just in from the doorway where in digs the soil is sometimes of a different texture and they didn't know why. In the programs roundhouse this is where the chickens sun and dustbathe - changing the floor. Was also pointed out when a friend of mine Belzeebob23 (who is a member on BBUK) was helping out at a reproduction log boat up at the Crannog Centre on Loch Tay. The way he came up with lashing on the bronze axe heads to the handle surprised the expert as they hadn't thought of it before. But Belzeebob works with ropes and cord a lot and if you need a practicle solution to lashing something down he's very good, through practicle experience.

Hope it all continues to go well,
Interesting information, Indeed. I plan to take a trip up to the Crannog Centre for the first time in the summer.

Thanks, Goatboy


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
I don't know if any of you use TED? Site with talks and lectures on sience and tech. Came across this interesting talk by Wade Davis from the Nationial Geographic. Talking about the ethnosphere. (Very interesting bit for you knife fiends at about 19mins). If you've about 20 mins, have a watch, he couches some ideas very nicely.

[video]http://www.ted.com/talks/wade_davis_on_endangered_cultu res.html[/video]



Jan 21, 2013
England(Scottish Native)
"I've been thinking of adding a forum to Oakenwise.com. Since we're obviously quite capable of generating good conversation on this subject, I think it'd be a good idea. Some of you seem to have real experience in this, so why not share your knowledge and experience for everyone else who stumbles upon my site? Do you think I should add a forum? Would you folks register?"

Said forum is 80% complete.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.