Not bushcraft but ..


Oct 6, 2006
Ive just seen the biggest fox ever. It was about as big as a staffie. I only noticed it because the dog was barking so i looked out and said to my mum "wonder who's dog that is out at this time" Until it turned sided on i did;t relise it was a fox.
I enjoy watching these and when i went shooting in the summer i would sit and watch these chase all my rabbits away :rolleyes: But they are adorable never the less. I was wondering, how effect do you think it would be if i tied a shot pigeon, plucked and cut open to the door knocker and placed several foot away. It would be like an alarm clock as i will only be a room away and when i hear the knock i can run to the window and watch the loverly creature.

I was going to use rope, but would it be clever enough to chew though it?

Obviously i will drill a whole though the rib cage and and also remove the pellet from the bird.



Sep 6, 2005
South Northants
I'm not doubting for a minute that you guys saw your biggest fox/squirrel recently at all, but it's worth remembering that the beasties out there are all in their Winter coats at the moment and they can look a good deal bigger because of it.
Working nights, I see the same fox work through this area month after month, and when I saw him earlier this week he looked bigger than ever he did, in fantastic condition with a brush like a pull-through for a 4" drainpipe. In the Summer that old boy is never as heavy looking.
Jan 22, 2006
i know what you mean with the weasels - i saw two side by side run in front of my bike earlier this year, i've never seen any before and they were very small, not much bigger than my middle finger. the stoat i see outside work regularly is much bigger.
also, i was amazed how small shrews are, i watched a live one foraging in a circle right next to me for an hour earlier this year, while sat quietly under a tree stump. it was tiny, approx half the length of my little finger.
great stuff!
my maine coon moggie's coat it unbelievable in the winter, he looks like a cross between a racoon (hence the name) and bonsai lynx and a bog brush, some of his fur around his ruff is almost 100mm. looks pretty cosy...must teach him to use the hoover next year, sheds half his body weight in fur :rolleyes:


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Off topic

I'm envious :eek: I've never bought a cat, one always seems to find me when I have an empty space in my life that just fits a moggie :cool: but I really want a Maine Coon :)

One of our neighbours kept a wildcat kitten when I was very little (the house stank!) and no one but him, his father and me could get near to it. I reckon a Maine Coon is as close as I'm going to be allowed to get to Cat.


p.s. I saw an enormous fox last year, it was the size of a big Alsatian but with all the classic fox colours, it was kind of scary seeing that sharp foxy look in something so big.

Jan 22, 2006
hi Toddy,
funny you should say that - one of my life ambitions is to spot and photograph a scots wildcat.
ours looks about as much like one as you'll get - and their temprament is great, more like a purring bean bag than a moggie!


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