Although these meets are very relaxed and informal with no real agenda, if anyone attending does need instruction or advice on a particular aspect then please ask either here or at the meet. Our regulars have a wealth of combined knowledge backed up with practical experience, and would be only too happy to share this with you.
We will aim to pitch on the new main middle site, this may be updated nearer the time. Parking will be on CP2. However if ground conditions dictate, just offload at the entrance path to the woods ( see map link below ) and return vehicles to CP1 at the farm, I will update this nearer the time if necessary.
Collecting wind blown and dead standing is allowed this meet if you prefer to have your own small fire, live wood is to remain untouched.
Again I intend to temporarily up the pitch fee's from £5 per night to £6 for a maximum of two nights per meet. This is to replace essential communal items, upkeep of the chainsaw and for the occasional hire of power tools such as a brush cutter to clear pitches and enable more choice.
As before, early get in / extra days may be available if enough interest is shown
It would be helpful if any TBC's could be firmed up nearer the time to assess a meets viability, thanks.
Everything you need to know about North Wood, is here...
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