New Tarp and first solo over night


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Just got my new camo tarp from DD Hammocks. Been itching to get out and use it. Had a 2 night camp planned this weekend but a good dose of man flu the week before put the kibosh on it but by the end of the week I felt well enough to try an overnighter. So got my kit together and and headed out to the local wood on my own.



Once I got my hammock and tarp set up, it was time to get a fire going to cook my tea. There is plenty of dead wood around so only took a few minutes to get some together and get the fire going. Built a little wood reflector to hide the fire from the road and to keep me a bit warmer.


Tea was "Look what we found" chile and it was very good, for pudding I had an army issue ration pack Treacle Sponge, bit too sweet for my liking.

Had a good nights sleep and woke up to bird song and the sound of a woodpecker. Got up and got the fire going again to make breakfast. Whilst waiting for the water to boil for my coffee had some more bits out of the ration pack, oatmeal block with yeast extract spread on it. Not bad at all. Once I had a cup of coffee, I got the packet of sausage, beans and omelette heated up.

After breakfast I got packed up and headed home. Had a nice overnighter and was an interesting experience camping out on my own.

ex-member Raikey

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 4, 2010
well done mate,...

i dont get out on my own enough,....

did you enjoy it more or less than with company??

ex-member Raikey

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 4, 2010
Bit of both. I decide how big the fire is, but then I got to collect all the wood :p
The solitude was nice but when sitting round a camp fire its good to talk about the world and stuff.

nothing like a good conversation round the fire i agree,....but i am a talker,....

altho sometimes, my own company is sometimes all i can bear,....and so a solo trip sorts the old bonce out,..


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