New guy here

New guy from Central Florida here. Always curious to learn new skills and see new places, which is what brought me here.
Love to fish and camp, and generally be outside. Even in the heat here (It's almost one o'clock in the morning and it's 81F). I have a growing intrest in animal and plant ID amd use, along with what I already know. There's always more to learn though, isn't there?
I love my little corner of the world, but I know it's a huge and beautiful place, and I want to see and learn as much as I can about it's places and people.
Thanks guys! I'm trying to learn some of the terms. I'm a member of Bushcraft USA also, and while it's not quite culture shock here, there is a bit of a learning curve. What's that quote? "Two countries seperated by a common language." At any rate, it's proving fun and interesting. Don't want to sound like an idiot in my posts.:)
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