Need larger tent for me and Pooch


Full Member
Mar 21, 2006
N. Wales
Hi all,
I'm looking to buy a larger tent for less bushcrafty times :)

Occasionally, as I'm getting older, I hanker after a little more comfort ;)
Still love my hammock and tarp, though.

The tent I'm after would need to be 4 Season ( I ain't that old yet!) built to cope in extremes, have a good size porch/vestibule for my trusty pooch ( Collie/Alsatian cross ) who's about half the size of a big Alsatian Dog. He snores, so will be confined to the porch at night ...... I might let him inside in subzero conditions if he's a good boy (amasing how he keeps warm though, he's been out in some damn cold weather with me!!)

One that was Recommended was : Robens Fortress

Certainly has plenty porch area but I'm not familiar with the make and a little unsure how stable it will be in 80mph gusts.

The other I thought is : Vango Hurricane 200

.......... Certainly capable in the worst weather (According to reviews) but might be tight for poochy in the porch. Available in Pine/Black which will blend in, possibly, better than the grey of the Robens.

Tunnel tents I'm not keen on ..... Wind turned one night I spent in a Vango TBS several years ago .... boy that was fun, not!!

Anyone any experience with the Robens Fotress or the Vango Hurricane??

Or anything else I should consider putting on my short list, gets a bit confusing trudging the web. :eek:

Oh, ... It will be hauled by a 4x4 and not me so weight is not so important


Full Member
Mar 21, 2006
N. Wales

I've always fancied sleeping in a FORCE 10 again, brings back fond cadet memories when I was a young un :)

It does say big porch but I'll have to look closely at a Flour Plan.

The Equinox Arrrrrrrgh ... It's a Tunnel .... Noooo thank you ..... Brings back non too fond memories!

Force 10, certainly worth checking out though cheers! ........... Quite fancy the cotton fly for some reason:rolleyes:


Jan 5, 2004
Bingley,West Yorkshire
You say weight isnt an issue, have a look at unbeaten tracks, their safari bow tents are great, not cheap though.

They were tested by the South African military who hovered a helecoptor over them !

The plus side is that when I use mine I have a camp bed and a chair inside, loads of room, you can even stand up to get dressed.



Need to contact Admin...
Nov 24, 2007
Peak District
We've had vaude tents for a good many years and they are fantastic - we bought our first one to go on honeymoon 17 years ago and when we finally retired it about 5 years ago we bought virtually the same tent again.

They withstand any weather, are really quick to put up and down, they are virtually self-supporting so you need minimal pegs if the weather is fine and can easily move them if you find you've pitched with a rock in the middle of your back.

We have the size larger than the hogan with a porch at both ends - I think it's just called a Mark II. In warm weather you can open both ends for good ventilation. In bad weather you can stick your dog one end and cook down the other. I think it's advertised as a three man, that would be cozy, but there's plenty of room for two!


Full Member
Mar 21, 2006
N. Wales
Thanks for your replies :)

Thanks EdS & DoctorSpoon, the Vaude offerings look interesting, I think I would feel more comfortable with the GD one they do. The Hogan does not look as tough as a full 4 pole GD design.
Prob be ok, you say yours has coped in all weather DoctorSpoon but was not the Hogan, was it the same Design?? And has it ever been hit hard from the side or have you always managed to stay pitched tail in to the wind?

marshall4771 ........... Thanks, interesting tents ..... they call those medium duty!!!!!!!!
5 year life, continuous use in Africa, tested under chopper down draft!!
I'd like to see their HEAVY DUTY ones, I bet they're bullet proof for use in Johannesburg :eek:
29 kg ... Just a bit to heavy (has to go in my roof box) and expensive, cracking tents though.

Any more GD's with sizable porch you guys or gals can think of? ...... an elongated GD design I guess.
I wonder how the Force 10 copes if caught out in a heavy side wind, not too well me thinks:confused: ............ Any owner experience those conditions?


Nov 29, 2007
I had an interesting experience with an older vango hurricaine last night. Before, I had only positive experiences of it. However, I was camping in the cairngorms high up and very exposed, and it rained. The inner seemed to touch the outer in a couple of places, making it wet.

We pitched it parallel to the wind, of which there was hardly any when we went to bed. But the wind swirled through the night, and we had a delightful crosswind. Wasn't that breezy, just about 50 or 60kmph. But the tent did not like it. Tore out one of inner zip supports, fortunately the whole lot didn't come off. Then the wind really got underneath the tent, and was blasting into the inner which fortunately is a windproof material. But if the new version is similar to the old, I wouldn't go for it. In a storm it would have been really bad.

But, a vango force 10 is definately one tent I'd like. Some of the hillsingburgs (sp) also would be good for you if money is not a problem, they have versions with large porches, although I think alot of these are tunnels, but meant to be very very good. Personally, I think I'm going to build something similar to a force 10 but a bit different to suit me better.


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