Need help to find "sniper" book

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
This is really a shot in the dark but I've tried googling and amazon and come up blank:(

I'm looking for a copy of a paperback book, I read and re-read to death; About 15 years ago, I was stuck in hospital for about seven weeks and I read dozens of books but this particular one, really kept my interest, as I say; I read it time and time again, I had got it from the book trolley that came round and it ended up going home with me:eek: In my defence, I donated 3 dozen books, of various sorts, to the ward when I returned, for my first checkup after going home.
The book was a fair age when I got my hands on it and it eventually fell to bits.
It's been about 14 years since.

Anyway, the title was something like " The Sniper" or possibly; "Snipers Tale" It was supposed to be the true story of a country lad, who had been a poacher, a crack shot and ended up killing dozens of German officers after D Day. He was awarded a medal by the King, among other things and I really would like to track down another copy.
The bloke came home after the war settled into a little cottage with his wife and I don't think he ever fired another shot. There was tagline on the cover about him having killed more Germans than anyone else, single handed or something like that anyway:confused:

It was one of these tales that keeps flashing back to the lead characters youth, for example him and the lads from the village, sabotaged the village snow plough, early one very snowy morning; by pushing it over a bank into a huge snowdrift, burying it and cutting off the village for days.

This is about the best I can do as far as describing the book I'm afraid,I know its a bit vague but it's 14 years since it fell to bits and was chucked out.

Any help would really be appreciated


rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Not the right tale I'm afraid:(
This chap was an English country yokel really, My memory of the book is now very vague, but he was definitely English.
thanks for trying anyway;)
I'm sure someone will have a copy on a shelf somewhere.


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
Hi RB, the book you mean is 'The Sniper' by Barry Wynne. It's about Arthur Hare and as you say interspersed with letters he writes back to his wife and other little anecdotes like telling Monty the reason why he won his Military medal was 'for knocking over a few jerries!'

Excellent book and a good read. I've got a copy if you want to borrow it to have a read again. PM me if you'd like to borrow it


Jul 11, 2008
Opps, guess i'd make a naff sniper, too quick on the trigger finger!

When I read your post I swear it was describing enemy at the gates, guess I saw what I wanted too hehe


On a new journey
Jan 18, 2007
no help im afraid, but i have got marine sniper the story of carlos hathcock, if you want a lend of it

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Hi RB, the book you mean is 'The Sniper' by Barry Wynne. It's about Arthur Hare and as you say interspersed with letters he writes back to his wife and other little anecdotes like telling Monty the reason why he won his Military medal was 'for knocking over a few jerries!'

Excellent book and a good read. I've got a copy if you want to borrow it to have a read again. PM me if you'd like to borrow it

Yep that's the one! soon as I read "Barry Wynne" Arthur Hare, just slotted straight into place!
thats brilliant:D
I'll pass, on borrowing your copy but I really do appreciate the offer;)

I've been trying to figure out how to find this book again for years, searched the net etc. but obviously not the right way.

thanks very much
all the best

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
All sorted; I've ordered up a secondhand copy from amazon for £3.98 plus the post:D
( I have to admit to being tempted by a hard back edition for £20 plus post but held firm;) )

I'm really very grateful to everyone for your help in tracking this down, I can't think why I couldn't find it but knowing the author is a massive bonus:D

Out of interest; you should see some of the crazy prices this book is selling for!
from as little as £1.68 all the way up to £160!:eek: I've no idea why, it's a really good book but.......:bluThinki
the most expensive one so far, is in Florida somewhere:confused:

Thanks all


Dec 22, 2008
London UK
RB if you like this book please look into getting a copy of Merlin Minshalls The Guilded Egde.

This is the chap who James Bond was based on, Iam flemming was his OC in Naval Intelligence during WWll. Its a great read pre and post war.


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