Necessities bag...


Jul 8, 2006
Howdy folks!
I've seen a lot of possibles pouches around, and while I used to want one, I've since reconsidered - basically because I can think of too much junk I'd want on me "just in case". As such, I bought a shoulder bag for about a tenner off eBay. Kinda doubt it will stand the test of time, but I'm a cheapskate :D Come to think of it, I wonder if it's a woman's bag.....

But that's by the way :p Here's the setup - not the swords ;)



As you can see, my leuku and mora piggyback sheath (well, two sheaths lashed together) hang from the front strap. This is because I like baldric carry and like the option of wearing a longer jacket while still having knives accessable, but I wanted to limit the number of straps hanging from me. It's still easy enough to remove, so I can wear it on my belt if I prefer in a minute of fiddling.

Nice and simple, and a tight fit when hanging.

My axe fits through an antiqued-brass-lookalike (I think it's steel, actually) d-ring, and the carabiner-type-thing on the mask is also attached to the bag, to ensure that it doesn't fall while walking, running or climbing (the point of balance on the axe is towards the edge of the blade, rather than the centre of the eye so it doesn't hang straight), but the ring means that if the axe is seeing use I don't have to mess around with the mask every time I want to set it aside. I forgot to take a pic, but there's another d-ring hanging from the other side of the strap, and the carabiner-type-thing can hook onto the strap as well, so the bag can be opened freely while keeping the axe accessible.

Both the axe and the knives will fit inside the bag as well, so as not to scare the locals! And for the record, both d-rings were off a belt that came with a pair of jeans I got from Asda. The bag did have a plastic d-ring on the front already and I just swapped them out.


Right now the front pouch under the flap holds some of my knives, but I don't take them all out with me :p

In the main compartment is a small zipped pocket which holds the firelighting stuff:

The top tin was from Dax hair wax (I checked, it doesn't catch a flame ;) ). I burned the paint off and smeared the inside with vaseline and around the lid to seal it and prevent it seizing on. Inside is cotton pads, some smeared with vaseline as well.
The bottom tin was a mint tin, also with the paint burnt off. Matches aren't waterproofed yet!

Firesteel hangs from the sheath!


In the pocket on the flap is a sharpening stone wrapped up in a non-slip mat. I hate it when sharpening stones slip!

So those are my constant "necessities" - I suppose they're not all 100% necessary but I would be exceedingly grumpy if I got stuck without them if I had taken the time to pack them in the first place! There's still plenty of room inside for clothes, extra socks (always pack extra socks!), grub, my laptop, and anything I gather while out and about, depending on what I'm out for.

I think I'm also going to sew some straps on the back so I can carry a rolled up tarp, groundsheet and wool blanket under it. I think with that, a rucksack could be excluded most of the time. I am thinking, though, of having a weird strap system that allows me to wear it as a rucksack if I so choose. I'm also considering replacing the strap with a clip on/clip off one so it could act as a baldric to carry the knives and axe on their own.

Suggestions would be welcome - hope someone found it vaguely interesting!



Mar 8, 2006
Nice setup, is that ax not continuisly ticking against your leg or knees? I Have a similar setup with a shoulder bag but getting the ax placed in an ergonomical way is a challenge...


May 6, 2007
Good looking rig I have one similar but made with a Maxpedition
fat boy bag.

PS you will like the canteen. Did you get the cup with it.


Jul 8, 2006
Nice setup, is that ax not continuisly ticking against your leg or knees? I Have a similar setup with a shoulder bag but getting the ax placed in an ergonomical way is a challenge...

To be honest, I kinda expected that myself, but not really. When I'm actually wearing the bag, the bottom doesn't sit as far back as in that picture since it's lying against my leg, so the axe doesn't really touch my leg at all. If I wear it on the other strap, it's a bit more noticeable, but only the axe head and its just against my back, so no tapping. Quite relieved at that :p Perhaps having the axe attached higher up on the bag would help, so the helve is more supported and doesn't swing around as much?

Traderran - nah, didn't get the cup, it was pretty much as-is without cup or cover. Might invest in a stainless cup though, as the opening on the canteen is quite wee.


Wild Thing

Jan 2, 2009
Torquay, Devon
Nice one Draven

I tend to like to carry a little more than a possibles pouch will hold as well, so a shoulder bag is deffinitely a better option for me.


Dec 15, 2005
When would you use it Pete ?

Is it for day walks and messing about in the woods, or would you wear it in camp whilst doing overnighters ?

Nice to have it all in one place but I think it would bug me with bits hanging from it and getting snagged up on stuff . For day stuff I only carry a knife on my belt with a ferro rod attached and then a tinder pouch in my trouser leg pocket, anything else is in a little day sack on my back. In camp it's the same except I have a stuff bag hanging from a utility line under my tarp.


Jul 8, 2006
kai055 - Too many to have, or too many to bring on one trip? I disagree either way, but as I said under the picture, those don't all come out with me. I don't like to compromise when it's so easy to carry the knives I feel comfortable with for different jobs, so I do - same as how I don't use a 1/4" ratchet when I should use a 1/2" one or vice versa :)

Shewie - to be honest, I feel kinda weird (like I've forgotten something... all the years of school kicking in) without a bag, and I've never gotten used to wearing a rucksack (except at school, where I only wore it on one shoulder anyway). I figured it would be impractical and generally bizarre to wear a rucksack using only one strap, so this suits me really :p To an extent its laziness - it means I can easily get in and out, and when I sit down I just push the strap off my shoulder and it falls (and then I fall, when I get up and get my feet tangled in the strap :rolleyes: ) Maybe I just have weird comfort zones, but I really avoid wearing a rucksack where possible, so even if I have to drop the shoulder bag or push it behind me at times it's worth it - the main reason I want a weird strap system to enable back-carry is so it wouldn't get in the way while climbing! So really, this shoulderbag will be used on its own whenever I can manage it, not just for day trips or the like.

I'm thinking though I might get something like one of those draw-cord gym bags for tarp, blanket and groundsheet - thinking that having a roll hanging from the bag might make it a bit unbearable, and if they were in a seperate bag the other shoulder could take some of the weight... could also waterproof it a bit easier I expect, which would mean I could make sure my socks stay dry...

And cheers Wild Thing:D



Nov 28, 2004
I know that you are working to a budget (aren't we all?!?!?!?) but your idea about the backpack straps made me think of something.....

there is an 'Indiana Jones' style shoulder bag that actually comes with back pack straps on it, I think it was about £20 and I'm not sure but it's possible that Pablo has one of them.


Jul 8, 2006
I know that you are working to a budget (aren't we all?!?!?!?) but your idea about the backpack straps made me think of something.....

there is an 'Indiana Jones' style shoulder bag that actually comes with back pack straps on it, I think it was about £20 and I'm not sure but it's possible that Pablo has one of them.

Interesting, thanks for the heads up. I did a forum search and found the Nomad Sahara indie bag, but I looked it up on google and can't seem to find out whether it has backpack straps as well - however, I did find that the same company makes a Raider bag, inspired by Tomb Raider which is both shoulder bag and backpack - might need to get me one of them! Doesn't look like it will have as many options for hanging the axe though...



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