Just had a scan through this article on the beeb about childrens disconnection from nature...
...where one conclusion was that...
"...There is definitely an attitude out there, in some cases, that nature is not perceived as interesting or engaging. In some cases it is perceived as a dirty or unsafe thing..."
Which is a bit sad really, I have my three year old rescuing snails and beetles from the pavement and moving them to the undergrowth.
I recall meeting a young bloke who was part of a team who took British kids down the Ardeche gorge each summer, he mentioned that some of them were terrified of wind blown seeds, they thought they might be dangerous.
...where one conclusion was that...
"...There is definitely an attitude out there, in some cases, that nature is not perceived as interesting or engaging. In some cases it is perceived as a dirty or unsafe thing..."
Which is a bit sad really, I have my three year old rescuing snails and beetles from the pavement and moving them to the undergrowth.
I recall meeting a young bloke who was part of a team who took British kids down the Ardeche gorge each summer, he mentioned that some of them were terrified of wind blown seeds, they thought they might be dangerous.