My first attempt

robin wood

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 29, 2007
Whatever the axe is like it looks like it did its work OK so I would not worry too much. The Gransfors carving axe comes slightly convex ground and works a treat. I tend to grind them flat because I use a tormek and with a slightly longer bevel on the left but I would not get over stressed by it if it is working and convex is great for edge retention.

I personally use "Walnut" oil to treat the wood, as this is safe option if the spoon is going to be used. If the spoon is just for show then I would use "Linseed" oil as it contains toxins that are harmfull to the human body.

Dean walnut oil can be violently harmful to anyone who suffers from nut allergy, like it can kill them quite quickly...fine if you only use it yourself but best to be aware. Linseed oil contains no toxins and in fact is sold as a health promoter, many linseed oil finishes including "boiled linseed oil" have poisonous additives to make them cure more quickly. I use pure cold pressed linseed which is sold as a horse feed additive.


May 7, 2007
Berkshire, U.K.
This is actually my first go at everything. My first Bushcraft Knife, first time sharpening one, first axe and sharpening of, the first log I've split, and so on...and of course the first spoon I've carved...

It's a bit poor... It's rough and odd looking but I still have a bit of tidying up to do on it, but I don't want it ending up like numerous wooden spoons we've bought for use in our kitchen! I like the clearly-hand-carved-with-a-knife look ;)

Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3

What tree is this? I know nothing about trees yet, i'm still learning:
Photo 4

I'm not going use this spoon, it will just be kept as a token of my first attempt at carving. Should I treat it with linseed oil, polish it with some nice dark pine bees wax? or both?

Also, I'd like to thank Steve again for his kind gesture of providing me with a great knife! After all the carving it was still sharp enough to shave the hair on my arm! I'm dead impressed!

You have made a great start with the spoon. I am pleased the knife is getting used as it should be.


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